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Everything posted by clachan

  1. Looks good mate Looks like theres a bit of border in there Hope not :11: clachan
  2. Seen this pup a few times now.Nice mate.clachan
  3. Cheers Vosey.The pics were the best of a bad bunch mate.Never stays still long enough for a decent one.clachan
  4. We held our annual show last weekend and the attendance nubers were very low.Now, i know we're at a time when moneys tight and every pennys a prisioner,But i would just like to know if all the shows are taking a hit.I support as many shows as i possibly can in Scotland and the north of England.And the general view is that especially in Scotland there arent enough shows.(we've lost two this year alone)Anyone who runs a show knows the time,effort and money it takes,so why arent the shows getting any support??Im not talking 1or2 people,im taking half the amount as previous years.I would just like
  5. Just an update on the pup.He's filling out a little.Still a little young in the head but is shaping up nicely.Hope you like.clachan
  6. Have you heard the story from start to finish 5 times yet beatnick?clachan
  7. A big thanks to everyone who turned up today.It was tbars black dog that won and todhunters red lakie dog in reserve.A big thanks to G.Norman for judging and Steve Ellis who judged a few classes also.Thanks to cleanspade for taking pics and doing the dreaded childs class.Was a good day but a pi.ss poor attendance.Thanks again clachan
  8. Cheers SUNDAYBAIN.Is young K coming with his russells?clachan
  9. You`ll need to put your house postcode up mate so everyone knows where the after party is at lol :alcoholic: clachan
  10. Cheers mate,How are you keeping?I know you do a bit with the racing so its not a problem,as long as your getting out and about.Take care and speak soon.clachan
  11. Ray usualy pops up to our show.This Sat.He was up in his new caravan last year.clachan
  12. Weather forcast is good.Can anyone who has Trophys from last year please ensure you bring them on the day or have them dropped off.Thanks clachan.
  13. Heres a Brightmore bred dog with some Gould.clachan Kelvin valley 05 Jock.bmp
  14. Cheers mate,Will wee pinky be coming over for the lakie class?lol.Weather meant to be good but its a week away, anything can happen.ATB clachan
  15. Strange comment! cracking red fell by the way Thanks very much mate.clachan
  16. Im just trying to support as many shows as i can mate.Will be at flimby in September.clachan
  17. Ben Ben seems to work well,Hard to get hold of over here now.clachan
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