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Everything posted by clachan

  1. Ive been saying this for ages.We're dealing with a "new generation"of fox.I saw it years ago with squirrels.A squirrel associated a tree with safety,their home and a source of food.Their young were born in this environment so they carried on this cycle.But when squirrels moved into the urban areas all this changed.Trees were replaced with houses,so in turn their young associated all of the above with houses.The same i believe is happening with our foxes.Rabbits have been breeding throughout the winter for years now and rabbits are a source of food,Lambs are born earlier,and also nesting birds
  2. Im afrade your wrong mate,i do the leg work and im still not getting results.Im checking earths that ive dug every year for the part 10/15 year with no results.I do reacon Alli has a valid piont.There are certainly a lot more shooters around here since the ban.clachan
  3. Once i see that the coat has started to blow i will run a coat king over to remove alot of the dead hair.I then tend to leave it a day or two and go back to it using a blunt stripping knife.The old hacksaw blade has its uses aswell.Alot can also be removed by hand.Hope this helps.clachan
  4. The title says first litter mate.You must be shiting me if you would concider taking a FIRST litter from an 8 year old bitch.Poor show.clachan
  5. Right lads,we're all aware of the problems we face from antis ect.But my point is ,year after year it is becoming harder and harder to find foxes to ground.Up here the weather is up+down,and even when we have heavy snow,rain or frost ect,We tend to find them'laying out' Ive spent more days at the rats this year,for the simple fact that the dogs are getting worked.We've spoke of the new generation of fox,i.e new habitat,Breeding times.Are we going to loose,over time, the traditional country fox???And back to the title.Is the Digging game F*cked??clachan Would love to know how things are in othe
  6. To old mate,should have taken from her earlier if she did you good.clachan
  7. I Have know lads with pups from this Tyson and in general they have had good things to say of the pups.I know little of the lad that owns or works him.I think the dog will be 9 or 10 now.I could be wrong.clachan
  8. Marty ive put another post up of the possible Tyson dog.I was unable to attach to this post.ATB clachan
  9. Cant attatch to other post.This maybe the tyson dog.clachan
  10. My dogs would refuse to go in it.Is this a piss take???clachan
  11. There looking well mate.White ones my pick.Cracker.clachan
  12. What did you think about Bears winter programs?Abit shit i thought.clachan
  13. Jesus mate,bet you cant wait to get this year over with.clachan
  14. Well done mate.keep at them.clachan
  15. Nice standard of terrier you keep there Alli.Ive commented on them before,when i met you.all the best with the new lot.clachan
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