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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. my kind of super hero . keeps one outfit for work and several for entertainment purposes . i think i've died and gone to heaven...no, yelrub good bless you Cammo Man
  2. he made mine come true... he wore lycra
  3. thank god for that, it seems you’ve been reprieved by the big fellow......this time
  4. Artic, are you still with us??? give us a sign
  5. Shouldn’t have said that. Cammoman's going to beam him up to Yenrub now. Artic will not be seen or heard of again.
  6. From artic’s post, something tells me you’re not telling me the truth. but now I’ve got the idea it’s something pervi, i really don’t want to know.
  7. do you know him???? i think thats perhaps the worst thing you can accuse someone of and unless you know him you have no right to say that. He may be “ off his head†he may just be having a laugh but he is entertaining and, up to now, causing no trouble to other members on this site, therefore your out of order. NO I DONT, AND I DONT WANT TO OFF THE ATTENTION SEEKER!!!! THIS IS A HUNTING SITE, AND YES HE HAS PLACED THIS THREAD IN GENERAL CHAT. IF THIS PERSON IS GENUINE THEN I APPOLIGISE. RIMMING WAS MENTIONED AT THE START OF HIS THREAD!! WELL COME ON!!! HE IS A UTTER WEIRDO AS OTHER
  8. do you know him???? i think thats perhaps the worst thing you can accuse someone of and unless you know him you have no right to say that. He may be “ off his head†he may just be having a laugh but he is entertaining and, up to now, causing no trouble to other members on this site, therefore your out of order.
  9. yes, but then your a human being and your immune system will be far stronger than a ferrets. Plus, since you own a ferret or two, you should know that ferrets are susceptible to skin infections and can suffer quite badly from them.
  10. No, if the vet gives you the all clear with regards to a fungal infection, it's possibly may be due to a play bite from one of the other ferrets. If you see pus coming from the scab, especially if it's yellow in colour, it’s likely to be a septic infection. Tea tree oil is an excellent antiseptic and can help to clear up the infection. If it has puss coming out, i wouldn’t cover the scab with ointment as this will act as a sealant.
  11. It might be ringworm, ferrets seem to be more susceptible to fungal skin infections. If it looks scaly or red, you might need to get some Anti-fungal ointment from the vets. Other than that, it might just have been caused by play fighting, where one of the other ferrets has bit down too hard. it might be worth dabbing a drop of diluted tea tree oil on the area.
  12. What message are you getting???????
  13. Not interested in Labs ?????.
  14. Andrea

    thai girls

    did he not notice that the lady had extra's????
  15. Oh I do hope so - I'm going to start a Cammo Man Supporters Club hey, i saw him first, Well you can be the president then Anyway, I prefer my blokes to wear nowt much more than a bathtowel and a smile As long as you promise to give me some hands on duties, i think that might be acceptable Lycra gives you a better chance to see what your getting
  16. Oh I do hope so - I'm going to start a Cammo Man Supporters Club hey, i saw him first,
  17. Being a man of mystery i’m sure you don’t want to give to much away but, is yelnrub a anagram of something?????
  18. Andrea


    Congratulations, he’s lovely. Well done to your daughter
  19. well, i really like the look of a man in lycra, so i'm keeping em peeled thats for sure
  20. I am on the trail my friend, watch this space, and keep em peeled I was born a superhero Andrea but it is only now that I have been allowed to spread my wings, I'm the usual sort of bloke really and do a normal job, intersts are m.i.l.f, rimming threesomes and such like, I also keep terriers, and lurchers, Im into all fieldsports, and watersports. (surfing and skuba) something tells me this is a wind up, an ex-member come back to have a laugh at us.
  21. loving your introduction. So, can you perhaps tell us a little more about your intensions, regarding saving us from the Anti’s???? What is it you do? And who gave you a superhero title???? not making fun, i really am interested
  22. Andrea


    True, but he went to the trouble of befriending the family first, gaining their trust, that takes a cetain amount of self control. He didn't just stroll in a grab the first child he saw.
  23. Andrea


    I don't think it is a mental illness, frankly if we thought it was something they have no control over, like people who are born with mental diseases, some do-gooders will start feeling sorry for them and shouting about giving them treatment not punishment. Those filthy animals will start winning the sympathy vote from idiots who have nothing better to do with their sad little lives. Fact is, depravity of this nature is not a mental health issue; it's just that...depravity. Paedophiles can control themselves but choose not too. People with mental health issue's cannot. If a paedo had a genuin
  24. Andrea

    women in chat

    I shove it all in that's just a waste of a good cream egg.
  25. she isnt any type of gundog thats the problem. shes a whippet staff should be interesting training her (trying) seems to be going superb though so far shes rely picking it up did you get that e book i sent?????? i wanted to make sure i sent it properly
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