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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea


    I have to agree with you there, not only for the reasons reasons you state.But haven’t the government been yapping on about how importing goods are a massive factor in the creation of green house gasses? Yes. Have they been harping on about how we must start using our cars less to cut carbon emissions? And yet Defra, a so called respectable government body, who should be encouraging the sale of local produce, makes a frankly stupid comment such as this. The mind boggles
  2. i've used Bob Martin for flea's and it didn't work at all. Got my stuff from the vets, Bob Martin and other flea products you get from the petshops, are just not strong enough, or so my Vet says
  3. So, you’re going to vote the BNP, well if you’re into voting for, far right extremists then that should be the party for you. I believe the same was done in Germany, when the Nazis where voted in. They too, quickly got involved in ethnic cleansing, which involved the slaughtering of millions of innocent men, women and children because they happened to be ‘different’. Our country fought to stop that happening, and to make sure it never happened again. The BNP will make sure that happens again. that is the hole problem feckin do gooders shouting its not right to discriminate,were
  4. So, you’re going to vote the BNP, well if you’re into voting for, far right extremists then that should be the party for you. I believe the same was done in Germany, when the Nazis where voted in. They too, quickly got involved in ethnic cleansing, which involved the slaughtering of millions of innocent men, women and children because they happened to be ‘different’. Our country fought to stop that happening, and to make sure it never happened again. The BNP will make sure that happens again.
  5. I say, never mind making Great Britain all white, lets just make it all equal
  6. Thanks Rolfe, i will certainly have a look
  7. Hi, I have been lurking around this site for a while, so I thought I had better say hello.
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