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Everything posted by salukixminshaw

  1. I know Gaz,i should have finished my rant at the weekend,but i'm still smarting.Flicked through the rags Sunday,not a mention of the Scotland game,just more s***e about the BIG game with Croatia I was watching Inside Sport last night,and Paul Parker (former England international) hit the nail on the head.Quote "England team and the media have no respect for other teams,they seem to think they are better than everybody,and that they should be winning world cups,when actually they are not a very good side,and very overated" Straight from the horse's mouth. whos going to the finals engl
  2. im lamping not far off east fen on thursday
  3. you might be right about the free kick but was scotlands goal not off side?
  4. nice looking bitch poacher the good old days feck the ban
  5. day or night as long as im out with the dogs its all good
  6. its just the way we lamp round there if you left your car on the side road down the fens if it come on top youd never get back to the car in time if your driving you can see for miles any car headlights and your off and sjm im not a young un pre ban that is
  7. the hares on the fens are good when the weak ones are thined out but so are most hares that get run. the fens are to hot now for poaching during the day but its still alright on the lamp if you hit and run we just drive over the feilds and slip the dogs out the back. that was pre ban like
  8. bedy greyhound the best alrounder they take to out
  9. well done mate topper few days did y flush them with hounds?
  10. well done john the whippit looking well
  11. al bundy what you trying to stir shit for some lamp some do daytime i do both and love both whats your problem
  12. you say its not sporting to kill a hare on the lamp if there that easy what you doing lamping them and not plenty ov rabbits
  13. thats bullshit all them dogs on one hare but whats wrong with lamping
  14. ok then mate why a bxw. is it the small size you like or the rough coat,would you want it for rabbits,ferreting etc. mybe its me ,but idont see a point in croing the two together,a staight whippet is far more superior to any cross. they can do all and moe than a b/w could ever do. some will say that the cross will have more nose ? it aint true you may get a better coat,again aint true you may like the cross ,so get one no hard rules get what you like if your going to give advice talk sense ....... .. took the words right out me mouth snoop
  15. they are never the same with a toe off find a vet that pin fires thats the best option
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