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80 Due North

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Everything posted by 80 Due North

  1. That's the first time I've seen a rattlesnake taken out by a springer! You're a better man than I, I'm not sure I would have even tried.
  2. Doesn't get much better than that, thanks for sharing. Sounds like the winter won't dampen your spirits with the pard at hand!
  3. Great shooting! I haven't stalked squirrel before. A few questions if you don't mind: What kind of range are you trying to close in on the squirrels with your .22FAC? What distance do you prefer to zero at for this kind of hunt? Do the squirrels give you enough time to pull out the rangefinder?
  4. Logun carbon fiber, Weihrauch and A-Tec are all certainly worthy options. However, the most challenging part of Bangersanmash's post is pulling a young teen away from the PlayStation! Now an air rifle suppressor is a very simple device. Perhaps you can engage your youngerster more by helping him make one? With a bit of fun and hands on experience, he might take up the task of researching and finding a second hand suppressor himself. Good luck
  5. It's a terribly saddening story to hear. I hope you do get your certificates back with a bit of patience. I'm not familiar with FAC rules so please excuse me, this is not to add insult to injury. Would you still be able to join a gun club and shoot on hire? Alternatively, you might plan and look forward to a trip abroad! You could shoot pigeons in South America or big game in Africa. All the best.
  6. That's a beautiful pair of air rifles! I'm sure it must be interesting to come back and find all the recent advancements in the air gun world. If you haven't already tried them, you might like the FX hybrid pellet/slugs for squirrels and rabbits at longer distances. Give them a shot! (terrible pun intended, sorry)
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