It seems like you're worried the ban might extend to England, Fred maybe have a chat with some of the locals who’ve been navigating it to get a clearer picture of how things have changed.
If you're set on keeping that silver hob, getting him snipped seems like the best move it won't matter then, and you can keep that big fella in the family without any worries.
For your dog's joint stiffness, turmeric tablets, red krill oil, and glucosamine are highly recommended; they're effective and easy to include in your dog's daily diet.
Use a spring compressor like the ones for BSA Meteor to release the G80's spring tension, and soak the leather washer in Neatsfoot oil overnight before installing it.
To safely release the spring tension in your Diana G80 air rifle, you'll need a special tool called a spring compressor. This tool helps you disassemble the rifle safely to replace the breech seal and leather piston washer. Before fitting the new leather washer, soak it in oil or silicone lubricant for better performance.
You might want to contact Ian and Wendy Openshaw of Openshaw Gundogs in Coventry. They're well-known for their Rytex line and are experts in breeding and training. They could help with information about the pedigree you're interested in.
White tailed deer can cause problems in the ecosystem because there are so many of them and they eat a lot. To help, we can have some people hunt them, fix up their homes, and put up fences to protect certain areas.