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About Moonlighter123

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    England, Lincolnshire

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  1. I’ve seen a few dogs run, and I’m not one for all the big names… yes there good, and so they should be.. if your paying good money for a dog, then the chances are you’ll do it right and put the effort it.. but I’ve also seen some unnamed dogs, killing hares regularly and they are just as good as the big names that get spoke about.
  2. I went to a couple of meets, Revsby and Swaffam. Sadly never went to the Waterloo
  3. This one could kill them quick and he had bags of stamina.. he could run anywhere.
  4. A litter of ten pups, and he will nearly make that back.. mental isn’t it. My pal bred the mother and I think he gifted it away
  5. Do you work them on the fells with a tracking collar? Do they range out and follow scents etc? I’ve done this a couple of times and love this type of hunting
  6. I’d love one if I did that type of hunting more often.. but you have to do the type of hunting where you live really. I’ve had a few days out in the hills and I love it.
  7. When you have a large budget on an operation (Galileo) .. with quads, drones etc… they will turn over every stone to arrest you.. mobile phones, DNA, etc. Once green and flint rock up, your pretty much f****d unfortunately
  8. I’d say when the check the dead hares and they died from the dogs DNA on there fur, then it probably won’t get thrown out.
  9. He was well know though.. the police have been after him ages.. you need to be the grey man
  10. As soon as someone says it’s the best on the planet , I loose interest and can’t take the post seriously
  11. Looking at that court case, you need to be ditching the collars.. that’s was got them in trouble
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