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Everything posted by Backandbeyond

  1. Surely he'd be ok with it since it's got some saluki in it!lol
  2. Cracking looking dog. How did you find him, good all-rounder for a bit of everything? Thinking down the SBG route myself for my next dog just finding something from real working stock is the next job. Cheers
  3. Cheers for the reply mate and sharing your thoughts. Splendid looking animal him. That's a bit of bad luck on the injury front, would have been easy to write them off and perhaps not carry his career on considering the extent on a neck injury, so fair play giving him full support and giving him the change to work Like the sound of the sbgs and all I've seen have great shape and look to them Yes, just to source something from decent stock will be my first job and hopefully I can get myself down on a pup in the near future. All the best mate
  4. Just out of interest mate, are you happy with how the saluki bull greyhound you have out of your dog boots has turned out? Looks a powerful animal Reason I ask is I'm thinking down that line for my next dog, a sbg. I did work a 1/4bull 3/4 greyhound years ago but I'm thinking that adding a splash of saluki I will give more wind and stamina. Any thoughts appreciated? cheers
  5. A coursing type from good stock should do everything really I suppose just curious as to what lads are running for filling the freezer that can take a bit of graft regular
  6. Interested in what lads consider the ultimate pot filler for all round edibles. Would have to be fast enough for the odd hare daytime and also able to come to terms with the odd capreolus but not too concerned with old Charlie. Not too big either. Swaying with a nice bred saluki grey type maybe a splash of bull? I like some of these smaller coursing types, bitches mainly, lovely looking animals but haven't decided yet? Had a Hancock beardie/border greyhound in the past, great on edibles but lacked a gear on bigger ground. Any thoughts appreciated
  7. Lovely looking dogs mate. Out of interest what have you found are the main differences in the field ability wise between the father and the son with the added bull in the son? Looks a solid animal. Cheers
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