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Everything posted by Backandbeyond

  1. Imo good thing they are a decent price or there would be nothing left to hunt a lot sooner than may be the case with some quarry. Great for runners and hunters but for those that are out with rifles at night and shoot everything they see with thermal, it will soon dry up as it's way too easy. Hopefully that won't happen anytime soon.
  2. Never been, always thought it would be an incredible place to adventure
  3. Were you out East when you worked that one mate? Looks a real desert saluki that one
  4. Just wondering what lads thoughts are about going down the pure route. Not that I'm considering getting a pure saluki but recently seen some footage of a dog called Sandman. Liked the look of him, don't know much about the line or if many lads run them. I thought the dog looked handy and seems to be working away into an old age. What your thoughts or experiences with them lads? Cheers
  5. Agree that led can be a bit of a mixed bag. Always found dogs ran better with halogen instead. What halogen lamps lads using? Anyone tried the clulite clubman? Sorry don't mean to sabotage your post
  6. Bonny pup. She out of any specific bull lines or just well proven stock mate?
  7. Not tried the hil but have used a mates pulsar think it was the xp38f or similar. Cracking thing tbh
  8. Always liked the look of the Wheaton greyhound lurchers. How has he served as a worker mate?
  9. Good luck with your breeding plans. Should be handy animals and decent all-rounders
  10. May have already been mentioned but what was the makeup of the sire and dam to the bitch above? A really well put together animal, stunning
  11. In relation to the physical size of the dogs. Most folk wouldn't have a clue that there's bull in those animals. Yes the scars aren't discreet I grant you
  12. They've got that racy look that is typical of that line from Cumbria. Handy animals and alot more discreet looking for going around with than others.
  13. I think the main problem people have when trying to work out what's going on in this now 'mad country' we live in, is trying to make sense of it and reason on all of it from some sort of moral perspective. It's just business and people will do anything to keep their positions in society or keep things ticking along without too much trouble. The monarchy is the same, stay silent when it comes to controversial topics even if it is your own country being eroded and your safe
  14. It's clear the country is completely and utterly compromised from all sectors of politics, policing, the military and within the health services. It's as clear as day as that advert I just watched. How much more evidence do folk need?
  15. Not one to engage in controversy, but where do they get the "192,000 years" from? Actual written recorded human history only dates back to between 4000-5000years ago. That's just mainline history.
  16. Stratospheric Aerosol Injection | A SRM Geoengineering Climate Solution GEOENGINEERING.GLOBAL Stratospheric Aerosol Injection is a Solar Radiation Management Geoengineering approach that cools the climate with... It's not really a conspiracy when it's not hidden. Most things that people struggle to accept or believe today can be proven in a few clicks of a button on the internet. Mainstream isn't going to bring these real stories to you because mainstream is bought and paid for like state run media in Communist countries.
  17. Sounds like a good tractable dog to have around I like the sound of a 1/4 gwp 3/4 grey myself, could imagine that doing everything day and night but can't imagine there's many litters being bred this way.
  18. Interesting cross. What have lads found to be the pros with the gwp in the mix say a first cross? Would they be fast enough for bigger game? I've seen a couple gwp imports working over the years with the guns and they are serious animals when working cover and tracking.
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