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Everything posted by Whoknows

  1. I think nearly every one of those incidents happened first night of the season. Dogs bouncing and running like idiots. Putting too much in and forgetting the brakes.
  2. I hate to break it to you mate. But one day your dog will kill itself. Big, fast, driven dogs that are good…. That’s what happens. We’ve buried three good dogs last three seasons. Also had one retire through injury whereby she smashed a leg, one luckily make it back after collapsing a lung and damaging her diaphragm, and one impale herself through the eye and have partial vision. It’s sadly the nature of the game if you run fast driven dogs on fast game. Sucks but there’s no way to dress it up.
  3. I’m so glad that when they were stopping making them I bought a few job lots of lamps i and I’ve been cobbling them together ever since. You can beat the good old variable 170 halogen bulb
  4. Agreed. Totally. Most of them are annoying as hell until they work out what cool Stuff they can get up to if they work with you as a team. I wouldn’t have a non terrier blooded Lurcher, but they aren’t for everyone
  5. This might also sound dumb. But sometimes dogs like that benefit from just being taken out and worked. In the sense of finding somewhere fenced or a bit closed in where he can’t do one with a few rabbits and just lamp him or get him out with a couple of steady bushers, dogs aren’t that dumb that they don’t work out that running about like a tw*t is less interesting than coming back and getting on with stuff, working with you not against you.
  6. Middle aged sadly. Still more to than a Beddy whippet though.
  7. There’s a world of difference between correcting behaviour in a dog which is going through the teenage phase or has discovered hunting and that you have spent time bonding with and training ….. and one you’ve acquired as an older dog. All dogs are different. But most teenage saplings are w*nkers at sone point, usually either not listening or chasing stock. The more drive in the dog the more likely and usually more annoying. It’s just one of those things. Do Interesting things, give the dog sport, make it your mate, have it around you, get in its head. A little tickle from a
  8. I got whistled at / about today in a pine plantation on the side of a hill about 2 hours after landing in Ireland. Made my day. It’s the little things.
  9. Agreed. The last bit anyway. I think they are all attractive in their own way.
  10. I think it would be right patt x whipppet would be better than a lot of Beddy xs
  11. Don’t worry too much about the x just get a pup out of dogs that you like that are really good at doing whatever it is you want to do with your dog. People tend to over complicate things.
  12. Aye probably right. I see it a lot specifically with bull, but rarely see anyone say ‘no deerhound’ or ‘no Beddy’. I’ve seen good dogs of all sorts of breeding and just as many crap ones of the same breeding. I do a pretty even split of both, and have found the bull type mongrel things seem to tick the boxes both ways, so aye it’s just personal preference.
  13. Aye true enough I guess. Mind, I expect the collie x knew the ferret would win. They can deffo be high drive but in general I’ve found bull types very trainable, smart and biddable. And also, quite straight forward. Some of the collie xs I’ve seen were just overly mental too many foibles and issues for me Agree on most of your points though
  14. Hard to beat a bit of bull for anything. See the ‘don’t want any bull posts’ a lot. Is there any reason ? Obviously a half x might be a bit heavy. But don’t think you can beat a saluki bull grey or collie bull grey for most things.
  15. Had a very kind offer of a day out Saturday. There are still some very good folk on here amongst the idiots
  16. There’s a few on here I’m hoping will see this and reply Blackie. How’s that young dog doing ? Probably not that young now.
  17. Been on here for years and years but not been on for a year or two and so couldn’t work out my password. Plenty of you will know who I am but I might leave it to your imagination for a bit. Basically a mate and me were meant to be heading to Europe with the dogs to go and do some hunting. Unfortunately because of complications the other end we have to push this trip back. As a result me and my mate are all dressed up with no where to go. Neither of us have ever been to Ireland before so we are thinking of jumping on a boat Wednesday night / Thursday morning and coming over for a fe
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