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Everything posted by Whoknows

  1. Simple fact of the matter is you’d catch more with two good dogs running than one. Doesn’t mean you should, but it’s the truth.
  2. The right 3/4 grey 1/4 collie will kill most edible game that you’d sensibly chase regular with one dog. Could go either way with Charlie but quite likely to do a few if entered right
  3. I was just about to get my popcorn out
  4. Aye I know, thats what I was saying. You can get into Europe via Northern Ireland.
  5. Sometimes think some land and places, and ways you hunt, it’s harder to kill them at night on the lamp, than in the day.
  6. As in ti go to Northern Ireland from uk
  7. Northern Ireland doesn’t require a cert.
  8. You can’t use old passports you have to use the health cert. £130 per dog per trip, and they need to have the rabies jab etc. it’s a nonsense to punish us for Brexit. There are ways around it luckily
  9. Hairy mongrel bull Lurcher over smooth mongrel bull Lurcher not very tested but real pretty
  10. I will be breeding my two at some point but unsure when…. Likely this summer if they both still here.
  11. Finding decent homes for big dogs Is a nightmare these days.
  12. I’ve finally seen a good one lad up in north wales
  13. They quite small bodied for the heads Phil
  14. You seen the fox coursing the roe then getting shot as it pulls it over ?
  15. @dodgeri grew up with badger court dogs, and around the man himself. Good dogs. My mate has a half patt half springer bred out of a badger court dog. Loves a fox. I’ve got Badgercourt blood in one of my bushers to
  16. I am so disappointed no one got the hump with me But in all seriousness, if you want to be dropping most types of game on most types of ground from daytime hares to deer, then you probably want something with a decent bit of size and leg to it, good drive and fairly quick, good wind etc. Most Lurcher types will do it, just get something 2/3 3/4 runner and the rest whatever flavour tickles your pickle. I find bull suits me because they are easy to live with, smart, driven, trainable, good nose etc and I personally just like having them about. The ground I run they benefit f
  17. F*ck coursing dogs. Fairly handy for running stuff. But you’ve got to live with the bell ends.
  18. Just get a 27” bull x with a drop of saluki or collie and don’t f*ck about
  19. One thing which folk often forget is that rabbits can suffer quite badly from worms, fluke; ticks etc. normally the cold winter kills a lot of that stuff off, but we don’t have many frosts now.
  20. As I said before, it’s disease, and pressure on remaining pockets from improved tech, predation, and occasional wank weather. The warm winters are lethal in terms of continued disease and gastric intestinal pressure issues. A lot of the countryside is actually more suitable to rabbits now then it has been previously
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