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About Whoknows

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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    Where the wild things go …:

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  1. Those were good days weren’t they my friend.
  2. Mate of mine had 103 foxes for a weekend, pushing creeks and running stubbles. Heading over there this year for a few weeks foxing.
  3. Yep … use it for hunting elephant seals and walrus’s in the far north.
  4. For the record the expensive dog wasn’t a Lurcher that would be stupid. It also wasn’t an xl bully before anyone says
  5. I’ve had working dogs for free plenty and most I’ve paid for a dog was £3600 ish depends how badly you want the dog.
  6. Truer words rarely spoken.
  7. Loads of game. But camera phones, the internet and tech in general has changed things a lot !
  8. Have you seen the new top end Hiks? Was playing about with my mates … and you could see the heat signature from the dog farting!
  9. I have three, all along a similar theme, but all subtly different. One is a nephew of the above mentioned dog. A mate has a son of the dog mentioned above and another a daughter. It’s like everything, you cannot put into a dog what is not there. All most of us are trying to achieve is a physical body capable of carrying a dog to its quarry, but it’s the heart in it which decides what happens then.
  10. Best dog I’ve ever run was a bull Grey back to a saluki bull grey, just had that touch of saluki, looked like a 28 inch racy bull cross but with the lungs and feet of a saluki. Was a bull x in attitude and working style but ram like an Exocet missile and did it over and over again. I’ve never seen a dog catch game like it. Sadly he was dead before he was four. First slip of the first proper night of the season, made a hell A catch on a big angry lad and then had a heart attack on my arms. Luckily his blood live on. Don’t discount that drop of saluki or collie in your bull Dog.
  11. “Traditional is not the worship of ashes but the preservation of fire”.
  12. You have to remember the quote ….
  13. I’m four pints in and set for the night so ignore me dogs are all broke and it’s foggy so you have the pleasure of my abuse. I actually like your dogs and you have the tenacity of a good terrier on crack so I don’t mind you either.
  14. Was up in Lincolnshire last week with a bull x. Over rated, ugly place full of yokels but they did have a skittle alley.
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