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Everything posted by druimmuir

  1. Great stuff guys thank you so far !! please tell all your friends to sign too !! Nicola
  2. Good stuff Ali, thanks, have posted this on a load of forums I use so heres hoping lots of people sign up !! Nic
  3. There is a petition doing the rounds to try anf re-instate tail docking in Scotland under regulations, please take the time to sign :- Hi, I wanted to draw your attention to this important petition that I recently signed: "Petition to reinstate tail docking for working dogs in Scotland" Tail Docking I really think this is an important cause, and I'd like to encourage you to add your signature, too. It's free and takes less than a minute of your time. Thanks! ---------------------------------------------
  4. Well Rogans a happy boy and fox red/yellow pups should be due the 2nd of July, working homes preferred and happy to pass the lady's contact details on. Nicola
  5. Hi John I have a yellow bitch visiting Rogan tomorrow night, fingers crossed nicely bred, hip scored and eye etsted, working bitch, there are a few pups pre-booked happy to send you details when they've done the job. Only got a call tonight, so short notice. Nicola
  6. why not check the websites I pointed out ? there are loads on there Nicola
  7. try www.ukgundogs.org or http://www.gundogfinder.com/http://www.gundogfinder.com/ or http://www.gunsandgundogs.com/ There are loads of good quality litters on there Nicola
  8. Would have to be a springer, they are definately not mad as hatters if they are trained and exercised properly seeing one as a pet probably has given you the wrong impression of them as the dog is probably walked but would lack the mental stimulation it woulf receive if trained for working which is what they have been bred for. As for the papers, at least you get an idea of the working and trialling lines behind the dog and seeing the parents work etc gives you a better idea also, not against non registered pups as long as you do your homework on the litter as in the end either way you
  9. Quite well known in the trialling world, has won the cocker championships and made up several ftch cockers and springers, his website shows his current dogs :- http://www.willclulee.co.uk/ Nicola
  10. Bango you just reminded me of a recent mating that may well produce some fox red pups doh forgot about them but presume you may have already pm'd the details....if they are Miliscer's pups I would highly recommend them Nicola
  11. Hi Ali God had me worried there had to double check I posted the right pic...lol.. Yes please Me with Gary and Adam for Saturday if you please, would love a turn out with the dogs Nic
  12. Thanks he's a very good dog, not for the faint hearted as he's very keen and high drive, but is a great hunter and good gamefinder thats why he's here, spaniels are my passion but there is something about Rogan thats kept him here, other than the fact we bred him. His sire for info is FTCH Kenue Fir of Leadburn and Dam is by FTCH Craighorn Bracken out of Watty Darlings spaceage lines along the dam side. I will let you know the matings as they happen, we have a black daughter of garendon captain mated to him a few weeks back but not sure if there will be red pups. Nicola
  13. I have a fox red dog at stud and he's due a few nice matings over the next few months one of which is a nice red bitch, my dog is hip scored, eye tested and optigen tested clear, so I would be happy to give you details of any planned matings. Otherwise some kennels to contact would be Gilly Nickols at bedgebrook as she has a lovelt ftch red dog. Regards Nicola
  14. Well I have trialled alongside him, and been judged at a trial with him, and have no issues with the man whatsoever and can't see how this relates to me recommending his videos heresay is exactly that.... Nicola
  15. Not that i've seen dawn...... Nicola
  16. I would agree with the Simon Tyers recommendation, I would also say the Eddie Martin series is quite good for showing the dogs doing things right and wrong and suggesting corrections, all worth there money Nicola
  17. Glad the dogs doing better, there is a slight cheaper option with Skinners duck and rice, I believe thats a glutton free mix and is half the price off JWB... Nicola
  18. I totally aree with this, the dog should be docked, but if you can take pictures of the tail when it i damaged that way it adds suport for the reason why we have to have working dogs tail docked, to prevet this from happening. Now the tail has been opened it will be very very hard to heal, the sightest knock will open it again. Nicola
  19. Walking is one thing, I can take my spaniels a 10mile walk and they would still bounce off the kennel walls, give them 30mins training and they are knackered, like most dogs they need mental as well as physical exercise, The food is also a good suggestions, food that too high in protein or has horrible added colours can make dog hyper Nicola
  20. Salmond made promises to concern himself with issues affecting rural life in scotland, the SNP party has pledged funding to a vets study into tail damage and we are hoping this may make them realise that we need an exemptin for working dogs in scotland.... To quote one of his points “In general terms, the focus of recent legislation has been on stopping things in rural Scotland. We need a more positive agenda, where the effort is directed at making things happen for the good of rural communities " However we need to make the voices heard that issues affecting shooting etc in Scotlan
  21. Hi Steve Yes there are plans to have a cocker litter, but not until Scotland has an exemption for tail docking, I will not breed full tailed spaniels, so there might be a fair delay, however Salmond made promises pre the election so we need to start campaigning again for the right to dock working pups. He is however v v nicely bred so he might get a few english girlfriends beforemy own bitch, just don't tell her Nicola
  22. Steve I would say the type of dog you're after would depend on what you wanted to do with the dogs ? If you want to go roughshooting and or beating then spaniel would be ideal, then there is the choice of cocker or springer as both are different, then if you would be doing a lot of driven shooting and picking up, and have less time to spend training bein off shore etc perhaps a retriever woud suit you better ? A chat with a trainer and doing your homework first is an excellent idea and will stand you in good stead Good books in general :-Joe Irving Gundog their learning chain, Mart
  23. Hi Nicola, I can't see any video of a retrieve. Just a "sign on" page for photobucket. Could you give me a clue what to do? Please be gentle!! Hi geoff sorry not sure whats gone wrong, it's worked on other forums , try copying and pasting this link in a browser :- http://s4.photobucket.com/albums/y136/drui...12012008014.flv Let me know if that works Nicoa
  24. Not a snow retrieve, keep focusing on the middle of the screen, this is my big springer dog finn, sent out o a marked bird that had been wingtipped and landed on the bank way behind us, ad ran, he went across the field and 2 streams up the bank and got the bird and this is him on the way back to hand with the bird. Nicola finn retrieve
  25. If you want a dog that hunts ad will enter thick cover then it would be best to get a spaniel, I have 2 nice abs but they dont enter cover like my spaniels do thats for sure..... Nicola
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