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Everything posted by druimmuir

  1. I only asked out of interest yes I have never trialled down south and don't have any intention to, trials is a hobby for me so not worth going down south, at this rate with fuel couldn't afford to. Nic
  2. Mike I am not going to argue we all have our views, and different ones are always good, have you ever trialled labs in Scotland at all ? Nic
  3. Yeah hunters are not for trials or so they say, i agree to disagree Based in Aberdeenshire, and you ? Nicola
  4. I trial spaniels or at least try to have watched a few lab trials, and did have a promising dog that I was going to run last year, but a few friends who trial labs put me off as my dog was a hunter and natural gamefinder with lots of drive and was not able to be handled on the penny, he's hard to stop when the nose goes down, a lot of them like straight line retrievers as apposed to hunters, but it's horses for courses, you won't know unless you try but would be good to go and watch a few trials and see what you think for yourself. Nicola
  5. Cheers for that will have to have a look Nicola
  6. They can catch rabbits, this is known as pegging and is generally regarded as a fault. Nicola
  7. from what I have heard munsters can be very slow maturing, not had personal experience, lbs can make biddable stalking dogs, so would go with a lab. I would normally say springer the maid of all work but they are not as calm as stalking dogs, but can;t beat them as hunters Nicola
  8. No ugly dogs in either of our kennels Only 1 dark yellow dog lab pup left, sire is my fox red fella and dam is a nice working yellow bitch, a;; the others now reserved and a chap from your way is taking the reddest dog Nic
  9. As always Steve cracking looking pups Nic
  10. lol...remember computers are not waterproof ...lol... Nic
  11. Is that bagged Alimac ? if so are they local as we might be interested, not sure what the farmer we use will charge us this year Nicola
  12. They are cracking pups !! He's based in Liverpool see his website for contact details :- www.waterpowerspaniels.org.uk Nicola
  13. Yes I know the lady that runs breezybrook kennels quite well and would happily recommend her dogs and pups, cracking litter and would be an excellent opportunity for someone to acquire a very well bred cocker pup Nicola
  14. We were lucky last year a local farmer was selling us the wheat for £180 for a tonne and a half, but doubt we will get that good a price this year.... Nicola
  15. A wise word of caution there Holland Nicola
  16. We used it on a cocker bitch that had lost hair due to fox mites, this camarosa stuff was more hasle than it was worth, and caused more damage than good, I bought the kit, shampoo cream etc, but found treatments from my vet more effective imo not worth trying Nicola
  17. Not claiming to be an expert in training anything, but lets look at this from the dogs view for a change, he's been told to go chase and catch rabbits, and actively encouraged to do this for 2 years thats a long time in a dogs life, and now his world has turned upside down and he's going to be expected to sit and wait till the bunny flushes, is shot then commanded to retrieve ? Easier to preserve a saint than reform a sinner, he's also already killed hens so would you want this dog retrieving game for the pot ? as he's more than likely hard mouthed too. Sorry for being too honest but I am
  18. Lets be honest after spending 2 years being allowed and encouraged to chase do you really think it's fair to try and re-train the dog now to be steady to flush and to retrieve on command .......Personally I would accept the damage has been done, as it's going to take a huge effort and a lot of time to steady him now. Nicola
  19. Hi Ali, Sorry to read you have had a load of hassle you don't need but glad the guy has gotten what he deserves and been charged with it !! might make him think next time he thinks he's "doing good " sounds like you went about everything the right way unlike him Nic
  20. Yup I second that !! Nicola
  21. Ian Simpson - Not in the S Wales area but defo a great line. They also have frozen sperm http://www.rytexgundogs.com/our_dogs.htm Who's Iam Simpson ? isn't it Opie that runs Rytex kennels Nicola
  22. Thanks Folks, keep the signatures coming !! Nicola
  23. Defo not you it was on the Netherley road, not exactly a quiet little country road so anyone could have seen Nic
  24. Could not believe our eyes driving home last night after a few hours out at the rabbits with the spaniels. Driving along the B979 which is a very busy local road we came uphill to a long straight. Both of us at the same time spotted something up ahead quite large and dark coloured dragging itself across the road, both of us at first thought biker, crashed and dragging himself onto the verge as that road is very busy and fast, so I slowed down, as we got closer couldn't see anything at the side of the road, no vehicles, so thought as the area is known for them it could have been a big black cat
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