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Everything posted by lamp+battery

  1. yes mate i have a dog. his litter is on you tube. this is a pic ov him. atb lb
  2. not a bad day by the look ov it nice 1 atb lb
  3. crackin pics mate and smart dog to atb lb
  4. i used baby oil. and mine dident fade or any thing atb lb
  5. smart mate. good luck next season with him
  6. glad to here you got him back. atb lb
  7. thanks a lot for that. i normaly give them a few rabbit heads a week and they love it. the wife makes a sunday dinner every week for them feed better than me lol.
  8. nice 1 mate keep it up. happy hunting
  9. just a question. can you give a dog a fresh uncooked rabbit or will sum bones stick in dogs throat. i only cook my rabbits and strip them off the bone add to pasta rice and veg. i do use dry food but a 15kg bag would last me a good month and a half.
  10. fek me that dog can shake
  11. sorry mate dident mean to offend any one
  12. hey wots rong with my lass like
  13. looks mint mate well done
  14. top class mate funny as hell
  15. that happend to me. i got offerd a speedin corse cost £67 but i don`t get any points. or pay the £60 fine and get 3 points. hope they give u the same like
  16. try mustard it worked for me. but the dog was only chewing the wood frame good luck
  17. i tryed that polystyrene thing but i used the frunt ov me lamp. only works if the fox are realy shy but 9 times out ov 10 it dosent work. but try it any way you might have better luck
  18. i use a botton wistle and my hand n mouth thats good enough.
  19. try purple spray mate. i use it all the time and it works. good luck
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