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Everything posted by lamp+battery

  1. crackin lookin pups mate all the best with them
  2. will get new pic up the morn mate cheers .................paul
  3. brown pup spoken for so there is 5 dogs and 3 bitches left 100 quid a pup.will put fresh pic`s up if needed .......................paul
  4. a bit more about the bitch the her dams side 3/4 andy baron deerxgrey x 1/2 doxhope bitch . shire side dan x roxy dan was owed by a bloke in newbiggin. roxy was a farly cup winner so i belive, im not a coursin lad so dont no that much ov lines but been told that SAM same litter foxy , nipper reefer ..was put over harrigans lucy ..to produce DAN. atb .............paul
  5. cheers mate they will pearents dont mess about.
  6. crackin lookin pups mate atb with them
  7. nipper snip bazzal molly tess blitz snach legend zelda tarn just a few off me head have you named it yet mate
  8. found that on the side ov a road and this is the shire
  9. here is them pic`s sniper this is the dam
  10. right every 1 i will take a 100 quid a pup as they are doin my head in now. pm me for any details cheers ...........paul
  11. he must be a good lookin bloke then
  12. ya right there mate was munchin last neet atb.....lb
  13. Can you forward me your contact details. Very interested in black dog pup. Live at Morpeth, so would like to come over and have a look. How much are the dog pups? pm sent bud
  14. november is better for me as need to get the dog sorted after havein the pups. lookin forward to it tho
  15. thats fine mate just let me no when it will be. what dog you runnin like mine is a deerhound/grey x saluki/grey atb ..............paul
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