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Everything posted by lamp+battery

  1. all bitches gone just 3 dogs left all black
  2. and she was still feedin pups well that is just fekin daft he realy dosent think about his dog this is a dog thats not thought about, i have just had to buy him back for £200 because the mrs was in tears when she saw him, so dont tell me i dont think about my dogs............. good on you mate pleased you gave that dog a second chance hope both dogs work well for you this season and just dubble cheak what you /your lass put next time atb...............lb
  3. i will just say look after your dog and it will look after you in the field
  4. and she was still feedin pups well that is just fekin daft he realy dosent think about his dog
  5. the pups are 11wk's old and she hasn't been out properly yet. she's just about ready though, normally i start them at about 9/10 weeks. so what age did you take the pups off her it only took 7 days to get my bitches tits back up weaned at 6/7 and then that gives me 2/3 weeks or so to sort her out ready. can i just ask what you are usen to dry up her milk coz lookin at them pics it isent workin she looked full ov milk for pups been off her for 3/4 weeks try epson salts it worked for my bitch in a week
  6. nee bova you shot them so why put the there is nothing rong with shotin a fox for your dog to retrieve.
  7. the pups are 11wk's old and she hasn't been out properly yet. she's just about ready though, normally i start them at about 9/10 weeks. so what age did you take the pups off her it only took 7 days to get my bitches tits back up
  8. just thinkin you realy dont give a shit about your dog realy. coz her insides will be all topot. and if i was you i wouldent be braggin about it on the internet it just makes you look like a proper and im sure that the people that have seen the pics will agree. not much gets me pissed off but when i see things like this it makes me mad think ov your dog mate atleast get her milk sorted befor you take her out.
  9. alreet mate how long after havein the pups did you put her on them. lookin at her tits she must be still feedin them my bitch has just started runnin this week 8 weeks after she had her pups and milk has dryed up.but every body is diffrent not havein a pop or out bud just askin
  10. far to young mate i start mine off at 6-7 month watchin for a month then they are normaly ready to have a pop at 1 or 2 just let it be a puppy bud plenty time yet man
  11. nice strong lokin dog mate hope he dose the biz for you bud good luck with him
  12. some crackin pic lads keep them comein i dont do much trapin but lookin at them pics i might give it a go tho. atb..........lb
  13. set booby traps with shot gun cartrages so when they hit them they go off. was poachin 1 night in a wood and i hit a wire thing and fek me what a bang i nearly shit my pants the fookin dog done a runner but it helped me coz when i got back in the field the game i was after was threre must ov spooked them . dont no how to make them but sure there is a few gamekeepers on here that will help you. just a sugestion atb.................lb
  14. just a thought but could it not have been a cat or something standin on a post and you spooked it and it jumped down just a thought
  15. just got in bud and it wasent me .................lb
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