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Everything posted by lamp+battery

  1. cheers frank.....you know when you just see something that jumps out at you, i like the look of the wheaton stuff!! I usually keep 2 lurchers in, in case of injuries and the like, but never got round to replacing the dog i lost this year, i think she'll fill his shoes nicely!!! Thought i had lost me other dog on friday night after a collision, it gives you the foot up up the arse you need sometimes......... Although apparently i'm making up the injury because i'm too scared to run my first heat in the comp....... L+B......I've got some work to do yet before i show her owt like that, getti
  2. SHE'LL BE MEETING SHEEP NEXT WEEK!!!!!! F**K SAKE MARK BRICK WILL HAVE A HARD ON nice bitch ldr got your work cut out good luck L+B, it'll be good to see her and your pups go through the learning curve at the same time........ yip it will mate im hopein to get mine out ferretin some point this weekend just to see what they do. they carry dead bunnies round the garden when iv been out get`s them used to carryin. lb
  3. pup looks a belta bud hope she makes the grade for you. bruce will be in his element lol lookin forward to seein her on next season mate atb.....paul
  4. cheers bro fingers crossed she runs well next round. read a few things on fieldmarsh`s dog and looks like it will be another good heat and good luck to all lads still in it atb.....lb
  5. i say down the card.stops all the bitchin imo coz if its out ov a hat some 1 will say its a fix just to cause shit lb
  6. well done lads and well done fieldmarshall atb......lb
  7. dog looks a corker mate take it easy with her little at a time and she will do you proud mate atb.....lb
  8. well done chartpolskie and good luck in next round mate. far play to you both for havein a pop at it as weather wasent the best but some 1 had to win. and unlucky luckbullcross. atb....lb
  9. just seen it on the news and it was the rong bloke they got the tossers. did you see the copper punchin him in the head up to 8 times but at least he got a bite in on 1 coppes leg lb
  10. well done wh and good luck for the next round mate. and a big well done to woodga for still havein a pop at it after them cracked ribs and hope your better soon mate. and charpolski make the right choise about runnin the neet mate no 1 likes a feked dog at the end ov the day. atb.......lb
  11. well done tomo good luck in the next round mate. unlucky c/g i hope them gentlemen carryed ya bunnies for you and well done to both dogs a credit to you both atb.....lb
  12. nee bova mate see you at 10 to 7 it better not give me the trots lol just kiddin
  13. sounds very nice mate should be a bit ov good crack mate carnt wait paul
  14. i thought you were goin in the army thats why you are gettin rid ov the pup so why would you want another dog if you carnt keep the 1 you got just asking ???? lb
  15. well done lads good bag and nice lookin dogs aswell. lookin forward to my heat the neet with maxhardcore and longdogrunner as the judge hope we go injury free atb.....lb
  16. my bitch dose mate run`s the red,blue and yellow filter just started usein them in the last 2 month and she is doin well so far keep at it and the dog will only get better at it atb.....lb
  17. these collars are off nrat. cheap(£19 delivered for the pair)but certainly not nasty. stitched,not riveted,solid brass fittings and soft,thick,quality leather. i got two off another supplier only 6 month ago and they're already splitting and flaking and they were almost twice the price with n/p fittings. they look crackin them like is the lad who makes them on this site bud atb.....lb
  18. a canny lad and likes his lurchers got a canny lookin bullx

  19. ldr the car still smell`s a bit now ov cow shite :sick: lol dont think i will ever were them boots again wasent expectin a 45 mile hike pleased to see the car tho, couldent get them boots off fast enough . but all in all a good night lookin forward to the next 1 mate
  20. good luck to all runnin next weekend. lookin forward to my heat will have a laugh maxhardcore mind i always fall on me ass so dont laught to hard lol atb....lb
  21. just been on the phone to nic and he said it was a crackin night and thanks for the invite his leg`s were stiff when he got up but would come again. so musent ov scard him off lampin its a good job who would carry me rabbits thanks again lads ...paul
  22. yes mate was a crackin night just wish i hadent had my riggers on, i got blisters on to ov blisters lol and to lose them in the smelly soggy muddy stuff was the high light ov the neet lol. dont think the youngun will be out for a few days lol. atb.....paul
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