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Everything posted by lamp+battery

  1. is that your fring or was it your minge lol
  2. been thinkin that it could be cut off a coconut it looks like a straight cut to me
  3. very well done mate keep at it and he will only get better
  4. good on you mate thinkin ov the dog hope it heals up soon there is always next year mate. lb
  5. bump there must be someone out there that is after a pup. will do a deal with a mk1 ferret locator and coller and a bit cash for this pup atb.....lb
  6. cheers mate they are comein on well. im sellin the brown bitch pup if you no any 1 for her let me no atb.....paul
  7. alreet mate they are lookin well lads keep up the good work. they will be 6 month on the 9th ov jan mate mine are 21tts the brown 1 and the black 1 is 22tts i see 1 ov the other black dog pups and it is 24tts and the brown dog pup is standin at 24-25tts so they will make good sizes like hope all goes well for all those who got pups from me here is a pic ov my 2 paul
  8. have you tryed without a pic ov your self mate just kiddin mate lb Funnily enough i went on another site and put this pic up I mean,you can hardly even see me boat race,and i got 7 e-mails on the first day i was on there Mebbes theyre after me dog at least your gettin something back off that 1 the dog is a smart lookin dog mind stick in there mate this could be your lucky year lb
  9. have you tryed without a pic ov your self mate just kiddin mate lb
  10. Hi Paul Nice looking pup the big dog pup that i had from you is going to be a big strong pup he is 25 tts and is built like a tank but looks like he is going to be very fast. Regards Bob cheers bob hope he turns out a cracker mate u will have to send me some new pics ov him paul
  11. bad luck there wh dont pull out yet you never no he might be fine in a week mate. hope he has a speedy recovery mate atb.....lb
  12. bump come on lads n lasses canny pup for penny`s* atb.....lb
  13. my hat go`s off to you a crackin job you have done well done hope all went well when they went out lb
  14. Thanks, what age are they now? she will be 6 month on the 9th ov jan mate
  15. well lads i owned the bitch when she was 8 month old she killed her first rabbit with me and her 1st hare dubbled up with my old bitch. fellel is a (collie/saluki/grey) i swoped a crackin collie/whippet for her, i never thought ov shaven her down as she was like a sheep when i got her lol and was sick ov pullin sticky ball`s and bramble bushes out ov her every i took her out so i sold her for wait for it 30 quid, if i just thought ov a poodle parler she wouldnt ov been sold but that the way it go`s, just think it is time for her to have a long rest and never bred again and if she has just had
  16. HH u nuta that bitch isent goin anywere bud. the breadin ov this pup is,DAM- deer/grey x saluki/grey SIRE-collie/grey both dam and sire take all game, not in no rush to sell this bitch, i would keep her but havent got the land to train up 2 pups at the same time. atb.....lb
  17. pic`s arnt thebest like will get a few ov the bitch on her own up the morn
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