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Everything posted by lamp+battery

  1. Monday they where out stalking and got a stag. Yesterday shouting ducks and tonight yhere is rabbit on the menue. ATB Michael cheers mate i watched the duck 1 last neet, and the fat bloke and the fekin blondie got on my tits the soft shits, and that bloke who loved duck and then when he was givein a fresh shot duck on his plate turned his fekin nose up at it wtf, lookin forward to the rabbitin 1 the neet. is the deer stalkin 1 back on at any time cheers lb Check on the BBC iplayer, you can find it on the BBC web site, I would imagine its on there mate and you c
  2. Hi L+B I would say it depends how many rats and how long it takes, a good session would likely knacker a pup out quickly, 7 or 8 month most dogs would be able to enjoy a decent session killing rats. thanks mate my pup is 6 month old i wouldent say i would get loads but a cupple ov rats i done a lot ov rattin a few years ago and thought it was mint had a cupple ov terriers then, but im more into my runnin dogs used to go to a pig farm in crook was fekin hundreds ov the little bliters never put a lurcher on them but i can imagine that they would get the pup used to -the odd bite an
  3. alreet lads looks a crackin day out that well done. what age would you put a lurcher pup on rats to get used to bites cheers lb
  4. Monday they where out stalking and got a stag. Yesterday shouting ducks and tonight yhere is rabbit on the menue. ATB Michael cheers mate i watched the duck 1 last neet, and the fat bloke and the fekin blondie got on my tits the soft shits, and that bloke who loved duck and then when he was givein a fresh shot duck on his plate turned his fekin nose up at it wtf, lookin forward to the rabbitin 1 the neet. is the deer stalkin 1 back on at any time cheers lb
  5. i will be watchin the morn neet i missed last neets 1 what was it about and is it on again cheers.....lb
  6. They like to portray the bad sides of hunting thats for sure.... I think the program is actually a little biased... i personaly think it is true to life [just remember not every one is like us they pay money to try and become the same as us ] i will tech them for free lol as long as they dont mind carryin a few bunnies lb
  7. why was that could she fit the 4 fingers in at 1`s lol yeah she was a Northern lass......................... that explains it all then she must ov been a beginner coz most ov the lasses can take a fist round here lol
  8. why was that could she fit the 4 fingers in at 1`s lol
  9. fekin 16 pages ov uta tripe it dosent make sence to me? he got arrested for harrasment and they went through his pm`s, what pic`s did they get mark? and any 1 can get into your pm`s if they try hard enough, but if you have solid evidence then please share with the rest ov us, did 1 ov the fuzz say the persons name to you who grassed you or whatnot haven a pop just wantin to no as a fellow hunter atb.....lb
  10. i carnt see his name at the bottom mabe he has been booted haway marky boy what have they charged you with ????????????
  11. av never seen so many readin 1 post at once lol mark will you still be in the comp mate lb
  12. come on lad what has happend ffs what you mean they read your pm`s
  13. well tell us all about what happend mate so we can watch what we say lb
  14. what happend mate if you dont mund me askin
  15. how much and do you have any locators and collers .....lb
  16. this lad is canny and likes his lurchers bit ov a gob shit but ok hahaha

  17. thanks HH i have sorted my comp out so any quiestions just pm ring or text me any time please no withheld numbers thanks. thanks hunterlass i carnt belive she is still here nither. ....paul
  18. pup`s look crackers mate good luck with the sale mate hope they get good workin homes they desirve
  19. the bitch is still here if any 1 is interested please ring or text and i will get get back to you cheers .....paul
  20. that pup was up for free to good home 2 days ago why is it now 60 quid that black dog looks a cracker good luck with the sale mate atb.....lb
  21. will u let me know [bANNED TEXT] happens coz i im nterested in the dog i get bk on monday but will not be able to collect her until the wednesday after pwb ian i will do mate no problem paul
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