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Everything posted by lamp+battery

  1. hi i have a 12 x 14 big enough to cover a army tank cammo net autum/desert open to offers or swop WHY im in blyth northumberland pic up only as it is fekin heavey to post, or could drop off local, here is a pic ov it. edited to add now cut in to sizes are further down the page
  2. that first pic is a cracker mate well done and the rest are good to like mate atb........lamp
  3. crackin pics what you goin to work on there mate dog,ferret,gun ??? lamp
  4. the dog pup me brother got standin just over 27tts will get a few pics up ov my bitch pup soon atb......paul
  5. cheers for lettin me no mate i will get some pics up ov my pup and me brothers pup up the morn mate they are turnin out a handy size atb......lamp
  6. i was gettin worried about my bitch she hasent had a season since she had the pups and the pup hasent had her first season yet either. lamp
  7. is it any good mate i dident open the 1 i got incase it feked me comp lol lamp
  8. yes i got 1, dident click on the link thing as i wasent sure if it was a virus or something dodgy :wankerzo4: lamp
  9. not havein a pop mate but it looks like it has whippet in him some were mate you sure he is deer/grey mate lamp
  10. hello and :welcomeani: mate lamp
  11. gutted for your son mate, the lad sounds like a right :wankerzo4: name and shame the c**t so people no not to bother goin for pups from him, once you agree on a price it sticks in my eyes. atb.......lamp
  12. has it got poles with it or is it just a net ? any pic`s lamp
  13. she looks a little corker mate, good luck with her next year mate atb.....lamp
  14. all i can say is block his view ov the house so he carnt see the light goin on, good luck mate lamp
  15. my pup has started singin along with the ice cream mans chim lol thats the only time she dose it, the only bad thing about it is the kids no when he is here lol, next door thinks it is funny it only lasts a min or so lamp
  16. hello and welcome mate lamp
  17. very nice bull there mate looks a corker keep up the good work mate lamp
  18. nice dogs there and some goos pics to nice 1 love the hairy 1
  19. where will i find that mate is it on youtube or on here som where, i wasent sure if it did had doberman in it`s name it just looks like 1 and me brother inlaw said it was a mini version ov 1, it is a nasty little bugger shakin every thing in site lol he has a canny bite on him and some jaw power for the size ov him me ferret is bigger than it moo thats what i thought it was so i looked it up on the internet and they have much bigger ears than this little chap, but will see when ig grows becaus the man terrier is bigger than the pincher and has bigger ears aswell lam
  20. the c**ts give the fekers a slap whe you see them good luck in gettin your dog back bud lamp
  21. where will i find that mate is it on youtube or on here som where, i wasent sure if it did had doberman in it`s name it just looks like 1 and me brother inlaw said it was a mini version ov 1, it is a nasty little bugger shakin every thing in site lol he has a canny bite on him and some jaw power for the size ov him me ferret is bigger than it moo thats what i thought it was so i looked it up on the internet and they have much bigger ears than this little chap, but will see when ig grows becaus the man terrier is bigger than the pincher and has bigger ears aswell lam
  22. i think you guys have the rong kind ov doberman i ment a (toy) 1 thisis him lamp
  23. it is a mini doberman thing tiny little feker with a big bite lol drew blood the day he is only 8 weeks and he sits in my hand lol, think they only get to the size ov a leggy russel will get pics up later on ov him lamp
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