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Everything posted by lamp+battery

  1. nice pup mate atb with him lamp
  2. sorry wouldent post it mate, only wantin about 30 quid for the bigger 1 ov the 2, as im goin to keep the smaller 1 for myself now
  3. welcome mate nice dogs atb..........lamp
  4. come on good nets here must be some 1 thats needs 1 lamp
  5. alreet mate what amp are they, pm me with a offer on them bud or leave 1 on here i dont mind mate
  6. very nice mate would like to see it finished and in the garden lamp
  7. lamp+battery

    swine flu

    went to the docs and he said there is SNOUT i can do for you, i said are you sow`r mate
  8. this is my 2 the drown/red bitch is 3 deer/grey saluki/grey and the black 1 is her daughter 9 month doin realy well so far lamp
  9. good good mate keep up the good work and keep the pics comein they are little beltas mate paul
  10. lamp+battery

    swine flu

    just got that 1 last neet on me phone lol lamp
  11. crackin lookin pups there taffy mate is the bitch ok after havein them hope so atb with them bud...........lamp
  12. right i have cut the net in 2 first 1 is 32ft x 14ft 2nd is 32ft x 21ft will swop 1 for some ferretin gear and open to offers for the other 1 this is the smaller 1 ov the 2 cheers ........lamp
  13. how far on is she??, she could just be cleanin her self ready for the big day keep an eye on her over the next few days mine did that the day befor she had the pups keep us informed hope all goes well atb.....lamp
  14. just read the same thing in the paper mate just up the road from me the f**kin sick twats need stringin up by the balls from a tree them selfs sice f**kers lamp
  15. my brothers pup got his first rabbit last neet raced it well and brought it straight back to me live he was gutted but he was over the moon as he had 3 runs befor that 1 and missed them but he is gettin there first ov many my pupgot another 2 and the dam ov the pups got 5 so a canny night out atb.......lamp
  16. i have 3 girls and a son the girls are more it to hunting than my son he is allergic to pet rabbits and has asma he had to be rushed to hospital his airways closed up so he dosent like ferretin any moe the poor bugger but still wants to come now and again when i take the dogs out lampin, but my girls ov 5,7.9 are mad about any kind ov hunting my 5 year old goes mad if she gets up and im out with the ferrets gives the wife nout bit greff till i get back , the main 1 that always comes is my 9 year old she loves workin the ferrets and the dogs she is more like a tomboy lol she is always wantin t
  17. dont think it will kill the pup mate, but as the vet said if the pup looks sick take it straight back in just keep an eye on it bud atb..............lamp
  18. welcome mate atb.........lamp
  19. i thought i had the syptoms ov it,but the doc said your fine its just rashers and that noise in your ears is just sounds like cracklin lamp
  20. fekin class mate lamp
  21. hello and welcome mate, thats a nice offer shazdra atb............lamp
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