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Everything posted by lamp+battery

  1. well had a quick look in the hutch the day and my little albeno jill has had 7 kits and they are a week old mum and dad are doin a great job with them, dose any 1 els leave there hobs in with the jill when they have young or am i the only 1?????, will try and get pic`s up over the next few days, both hob&jill are very soft and playfull and are exelant with kids lamp
  2. a few more pics off me phone am gettin better lol cheers lamp
  3. cheers grant lad i have counded 5 so far but not lookin in her bed till next week, they come out the entrance in the sun and lie in a little pink ball lol will let you all no how many she has had lamp
  4. hi mate im gettin traps set of with no moles and some that havent been set off, lamp
  5. a dog that gives 110% at there chosen game im a lamper but my dog dose daytime aswell, always look for good feet lamp
  6. come on mate wakeup the dog is only doin what it is bead for chasein and killin, i wouldent get rid ov a dog if it chased a cat i would give it a big bone and a pat on the head lol, tell the person who cpmplained that if the cat wont stop out your garden then its tuff, they can only do something if the dog is in there garden doin it, and for takein it rattin that will make its prey drive worse and want to kill the cat next time,(or is that what you want lol) atb...........lamp
  7. hi mate a bit more info might help you in the sale mate ie age, location, kennel/house good with dogs/kids etc and a few pics wouldent harm JMO lamp
  8. nice bag there mate keep at it atb........lamp
  9. thanks stubby mate i will get the dvd money a bit tight just now but will difinately buy it and learn more about mole trappin i have been at it now 3 weeks and only got the 1 but i am not 1 for givein up,i will keep at it till i get it right i have been told that moles are 1 ov the hardest to animals catch/trap, cheers lamp
  10. lookin well them grant lad my albeno give birth 4 days ago not sure how many she has had yet, i can hear them tho lol atb..........lamp
  11. well i would like to say the worm trick worked got my first mole on saterday and here he is cheers lamp
  12. well you can count me in again bud lookin forward to takein that crown from you let me no when you need the money in by mate atb...........paul
  13. well i will give it a go if it works then and if it dosent then , atleast i can say i have tryed every daft thing i can think ov but i will keep at it till i get them pesky buggers lamp
  14. why not give it a go mate and tell us all about it why not walk round a field like a chicken and try for a fox bok bok lamp
  15. had nojoy again the day , was woundering if i rub worms in my gloves befor i set the trap would this work as it will have the sent ov the worm on the trap, and do you completly cover the trap with lose soil or just a light sprincle ov soil over it cheers lamp
  16. well i flattend all hills last time i was there so i will see if they are makeinnew 1`s, and if they dothen do i place my traps between the last 2 hills or do i find the end ov the run and place it there ??? all help is very greatfull cheers...........lamps
  17. thanks mate that is very helpfull, the tunnels that i have put the traps in are just under the grass surface so thats probley why im not gettin any, nothing again this morning i left the traps where they are for now,i was woundering if the mole will still use the tunel after i have lifted the traps and filled the whole in where the traps were??? is that the normal thing to do, like i said i will not give up they will not beat me lol. thanks again mate ......lamp
  18. well dident get any but still tryin i put some more traps down the day so lets see what happens, do you guys lift your traps every day or do you leave them where they are for a few days, i lifted mine the next day was that right or what, i will keep at it till i get it right and start catchin moles the farmer gave me a map ov his land where he has seen mole hills, but they are in his silage fields and they are over a foot long so it is a bit ov a bugger to find them, but im not 1 for givein up i will find the little things atb..........lamp
  19. few pics ov my attempts ov settin a few traps plz let me no if it looks right, i hope these work if so i will put pics up the morn, set trap coverd trap peg so i no where they are i set 6 traps today so lets see if they work cheers lamp
  20. pup looks a belta bud, make sure it gets a A1 home mate lamp
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