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Everything posted by lamp+battery

  1. im not goin to put an ox in it mate, i was just wounderin if an ox would fek me scopes,and i got the answer i was lookin for but thanks for your advice mate its more than welcome, i am goin to order a new original spring for my gun, cheers lamp
  2. cheers bud i was thinkin that meself bud wasent sure, are you goin to that show the morn bud atb...............paul
  3. Call in the marquee and say hello. i don't know you. will do mate see you sunday lamp
  4. i have a litter ov kits here and they do bite but they are only playin and dont no any better, my kids always play with them and they are 6/ 8/9 years old and they get niped but they no its not wanting to hurt them. i just say to them move your hand slowly as they will chase movein things as i tease them with rabbirs etc, but what i do is just push my finger into there mouth and say no and they have never drew blood yet, and if they do then i use english mustard on my fingers belive me they dont like it, my advice is pleny ov handling and fresh food every 6/7 hours plenty ov fresh water
  5. nice set up , tried posting pics of mine but cannot suss it out just one question? how did you post pics as im useless atb john use photobucket.com mate and that it a fekin mint set up that mate you have done a crackin job at it well done atb........lamp
  6. alreet mate is there any chance i could use the stud for me yorki terrer she is 100% above and below need to make a quick buck rang the dog kennels and they have a few spare kennels left but i might get beat by jrt/greyhounds pups so i need to act quick lol lamp
  7. cheers for lookin ............paul
  8. a price and a location might help your mate out bud ...............lamp
  9. whats in him mate any pics bud, i could ask the lads round here not far from you .......lamp
  10. cheers again lads im gettin better lol, i aron i had some back legs on the bbq the neet there coverd in bbq sause it was lovely yum yum, im havein bother with my scopes % ov the time they hit bang on but other times they are way high or wide ov the target, i was wounderin was it the gun or the scopes ??? i was woundering how much a gun survise was dose any 1 no as i think it cound do with a new spring, but do i go for an ox spring or a normal 1, as iv heard that the ox will give it a bit more kick back and might fek me scopes what do you guy`s think atb............lamp
  11. cheers lads, the gun is an edgar brother 22
  12. well been out over the last few weeks gettin a bit dog/ferret food in here is a few pics, atb.............lamp
  13. nice bitch Paul mate did your bred that litter lol atb keano lol cheers lads, i will get a pic ov me brothers pup out ov the litter he is a corker 29tts and strong as an ox i carnt wait to put him to the test this season, atb...........paul
  14. a pic for grant and keno sister to your pups
  15. cheers grant she is shapein up well mate what hight is she now 25/26 tts u will beat keno 1 day mate lol, both the dogs are lookin realy nice i will get a pic up ov mine mate she is 25tts and doin realy well. lamp
  16. Catcher 1 mate have you got a pic ov keon`s dog pup and grant_c`s bitch pup mate cheers lamp
  17. some crackin pics there lads and some crackin lookin dogs to atb............lamp
  18. pup looks good keno mate he doin well in the ring mate, paul
  19. me mother just got a jrt from workin stock and the bloke had the due claws off when tail were docked i thought it was strange as they use them for better grip on there quary, well thats what i thought any way, lamp
  20. well i would try it if the moon was up and had sets in the middle ov grass fields so i could put me long net round the set, use albeno ferrets with snap lights for night fishin on the coller so when they surface they can been seen, it was a normal thing back in the day iv been told so right ground right night why not lamp
  21. sounds a good day out that gin count me in to be there with the dogs its just upthe road see you there atl..................lamp
  22. fekin class made me chuckel lamp
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