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Everything posted by lamp+battery

  1. is this it ???????? look at the proper pic then this 1 if not i give in lol
  2. welli have looked and looked and i carnt see anything but my misses said befor a asked her if she could see any thing in that pic and she said a white n brown dog thing beside the fellas hand, i must be lookin to hard i will keep tryin to see it lamp
  3. if you want mate you could beat a few woods for me and me mates lamp
  4. ben lad time is a great healer mate as said be very patient and she will come right in the end mate atb.............lamp
  5. cheers mate your the 1 that got me pickin mate but had far to many for jam lol, lamp
  6. well had a load ov blackys so made a few bits and pieces all with apple and blackberrys with a bit orange zest goin to try a summer puddin thing next thanks for readin ..............lamp
  7. happy birthday mate have a goodun atb...lamp
  8. some crackin bags ov rats there mate keep at them bud atb...........lamp
  9. mint pics mate that 5th pic is a corker mate, lamp
  10. i didnt mate, it set itself! I got this recipe from my mam and its lovely!! 6lbs brambles and 1 pint of water, simmer for 20 mins Strain overnight in a jelly bag, dont squeeze bag or let it touch the juice thats dripped or it goes cloudy Next morning add 1 lb sugar to every pint of liquid Boil rapidly for around 20 mins Thats it and its lovely! no fannying on with pectin or owt, just that and its great! ive just made 3 jars of bramble and apple jam, will test it later! just made 4 jars ov blackberry and appel seedless jam/jelly, it is fekin lovely on toast
  11. pups look nice mate atb with them mate lamp
  12. yip now i just need to make a battery lol, you got your new gun then mate lamp
  13. phantom mate it works a treat bud, got a nice clear spot on it and a range ov 40/50 yeards, and can see the eyes at a longer distance for stalkin up on rabbits, but i am goin to adapt it to my hw35 as it has a better killin range than the bsa, it would be ideal for rat shootin with the bsa as it isent a rabbit gun (i dont think any way), will keep you informed on how it dose on the hw35, cheers .................lamp
  14. around 22 1/2tts looks a crackin pup mate atb with her mate lamp
  15. thanks stubby mate, its the first time i have seen a ferret shake another ferret like that, it looked a good fighter lol has more ov a shake than some dogs av seen on lol, will let you know how they get on the hob isent to fussed he thinks its great havein to girlys at once lucky bugger lol lamp
  16. i got my self a new albeno jill, and my other jill just wants to kill her, iv tryed to put them all together a few times but my other jill just grabs the new jill by the back ov the neck and shakes the fek out ov her, tryed 6/7 times to keep them all in the big cree bit worried she will kill her if i left them to long, any avice on how i could get them livein together. cheers for readin....lamp edited for spellin :blush:
  17. nice bag there mate and good pics atb...lamp
  18. good shootin buddy keep it up mate atb...........lamp
  19. nice shootin buddy keep at it mate, atb....lamp
  20. nice dog riohog mate good luck this season with him lamp
  21. not havein a pop mate but think befor you type, try flushing them to a gun mate, but well done the dog, lamp
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