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Everything posted by lamp+battery

  1. i dident think he was mate , av worked it out an put it right lamp
  2. rabbits,woodys,dry ferret food soaked,and the odd tin ov wiskers cat food, i bread the same hob and jill for the past 3/4 year and all kits have turned out small, al get a pic up ov a jill from last years litter, edited to say:- sorry just worked it out and they will be 6 weeks the morn lamp
  3. cheers mate the kids play with them all day lol and only a few nips so far befor feedin,
  4. 6 weeks old tommrow (tuesday) cheers for lookin .....lamp
  5. just waitin on them to mate, paul was talkin about it the other neet was a canny do last time mate, but av got nee sloe gin left mind lol, would love to get the pup up there mate, atb.....paul
  6. alreet billy mate, looks a nice stag that mate keep at it fella atb....paul
  7. drop it off mate the kits will play with it lamp
  8. probley see you about mate, did you have a little stall there mate ??
  9. this sunday mate not 100% what time it kicks off think its 1 oclock, its to the right of the Dyke Neuk pub just out side morpeth
  10. is any one goin to this show, was a canny do last year, lamp
  11. they are all that size the litter last year 1 ov the jills stayed realy small so hopein same again this year lamp
  12. i thought there was a fire at first it had gone with in 25 mins but got a pic ov it i like weard sunsets and that
  13. some pics ov the kits about 3 weeks old lampy
  14. smart dogs you got there mate atb with them
  15. your nuts mate they only week old av got 5 jills and 2 hobs if anybody interested giz a pm al try and get a few pic ov the little buggers up atb....lamp
  16. sorry guys it must ov been some muck on it as av just cheeked them and its gone
  17. its that little jill that you lines with my hob mate a few years ago mate the albeno
  18. i havent had a good look at them yet just looked in nest box and seen it dont think its milk as mum and dad both clean them 24/7 i will have a look at eye slits in the morning, lampy
  19. good honest post,with a trial and your money back if not happy, what more can you ask for and the price is pennys if the dog is as good as he says, hope you get the right home for the dog mate atb.....lampy
  20. alreet all has any 1 ever had a albeno kit with a black nose, as i have a kit here just under a week old with a black nose and both hob and jill are albenos and i have been bredin them over the past 3 years and never had this befor, so am woundering if any 1 else had had this befor will try and get a pic if mum and dad will let me cheers lampy
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