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Everything posted by braveheart

  1. You are very inteligent arnt you kissy kissy ducky's arse hole I dont even know who he is, but he adds some constructive posts to this site which is more than can be said for you... FTB Oh so ive gotta sit back and listen to you arshole's calling traveller's and not say anything emm, dont think so your constuctive post's is calling gypsy's you are inteligent arnt you
  2. Its a good job your at the other end of this screen then you pit village dosser "pit village dosser" At least he doeesnt shite in a hedge bottom and live on other peoples leftovers. Fecking hell, talk about pot calling the kettle black. FTB You are very inteligent arnt you kissy kissy ducky's arse hole
  3. Id rather be a p***y than a screw :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Hi braveheart You might be, ask your mum to really try and remember who was around at your conception I WOULD RATHER BE A PAKI THAN A p***y ................. AND I FECKIN HATE PAKIS DUCKWING Its a good job your at the other end of this screen then you pit village dosser
  4. Id rather be a p***y than a screw :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Hi braveheart You might be, ask your mum to really try and remember who was around at your conception Just asked her and she replyed it definatly wasent a pig
  5. Id rather be a p***y than a screw :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  6. You stupid arshole , you no fechall...
  7. Why do you care? and why would you go to the trouble grassing the bird up? that's disgraceful behaviour IMO. She's working for a living, trying her best to provide for that kid and you've made it your business to try and ruin that ladies job and livelihood. Why don't you just mind your own business? People who do the sorts of things you've done here make me sick in all honesty, proper curtain twitcher grasser types. [/quote 100 percent wright live and let live, keep telling tales like an old womon grassing is the lowest form
  8. Where i come from the feckin monkey's will stab you
  9. braveheart


    He's a big softy at heart
  10. borrow a fox trap, wiith 1 f your dead chuck's as bait.....if your gona keep chickin's make there home fox proof before you you start. its a waiting game till he or she comes back for the rest..
  11. Owen is an ace card that will be pulled out very cleverlly fergy is no fool
  12. Duckwing you are a 1 sided racist ,pit village bred dosser who think's he no's everything about traveller's, the only time you speak is to slag traveller's off you no jack shit id love to meet you man to man and listen to your shit id make you f**k back to that little pit you crawled from you arshole.
  13. They must be a nigerian computer fraudster to get in this country, theres hundreds of them near me, opening up church's laundering money you cant investigate a church and there buying house's left right and center
  14. CONGRATULATIONS LDR.....i hope you and tomo had enough decentcy to treat mark to a chinese before his long drive home he is quite parshal to a chicken chowmein
  15. 4 years and only 100+ posts welll im going to listen to you just listen to yourself that confirms your a busybody
  16. Proffit mongering for f**k sake twenty pound for a ferret thats not robbery grow up you bunch of bored nothing else to type busy body's , if you dont want to buy 1 keep your f*****g mouth shut, there not yours so mind you own buisnes.
  17. ID RATHER DRINK DIESEL ALCO,S DRINK.. john smith's now its not full off shit
  18. KHAN won nutted barerra in the first round on his forhead looked like some c**t had hit him with a machette stopped in the 5th due to the blood , a sad end for barerra he never got into the fight smotherd in clarret its a f*****g hard game...
  19. Not very nice kay, but there dog's just look in the new's and look at what the scum in country do to ther own kid's that's f*****g sickening
  20. A good friday night discusion or a f*****g argument you arshole, one of my good pal's got 2 dogs taken wedensday night , He is a traveller dont bad mouth people and start row's unless you have 100 fact's you prick... I was not causing a argument and only people like you can turn it into 1!!!!! I know travelers as I work with horses and had some good deals with all of them!!!! So Keep your bad language to yourself no one on here wants to hear or see that! This was a question I was wondering in passing cause I would send the dog back!!! If you dont like wats in my posts read another there a
  21. Well smoogle if your not markbrick you must be 1 serious arsekisser
  22. And markbicks who pose as smoogles
  23. A good friday night discusion or a f*****g argument you arshole, one of my good pal's got 2 dogs taken wedensday night , He is a traveller dont bad mouth people and start row's unless you have 100 fact's you prick...
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