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Catapult Henry

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About Catapult Henry

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    Reading England

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  1. Looked a good day mate. Good to get the young one working with another to show him the ropes.
  2. You are right Arry, I have seen this in the past. I’ve always bought the bags of barley straw from my local pet shop. It’s just the stems and says it’s been dust extracted. I’ve never had a problem with this.
  3. Definitely practice with the same ammo you intend on hunting with. Also the same set up. Find a fork and bands your happy with and stick to them until your hitting your target I would say steel balls are your best bet.
  4. I agree with all that’s been said. Plenty of fresh water, raw meat and the occasional egg, I give mine an egg once a week. Plenty of bedding, shavings and barley straw. I’ve found shredded paper good during the summer months but not as useful in the damper weather. In time their coats will be good as new. I’ve had ferrets do this in the past, some of which have lived to 9 years old.
  5. Looks a good size net to me mate. Just run it out and check it for breaks in the mesh (I won’t says holes lol). If the rabbits are left in the net for too long before they’re dispatched they can start to chew their way out see.
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