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Rustic Lady

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About Rustic Lady

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    South West England

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  1. Article from Sunday 28 October 2007 (well over 17 years ago!) City Eye: Facts on a plate: our population is at least 77 million. It is the statistic that dare not speak its name, though eventually it must. It has huge ramifications for the civil and political life of this country, the health of the equity markets and, most immediately, the residential property market. So don't forget you read it here first: the population of the UK is presently somewhere between 77 and 80-million. The 2001 census, already hopelessly out of date and easy to avoid for those who find filling in fo
  2. You mean licence (ce), not 'license' (se). Licence is the noun, whereas license is the verb only, unless you're American. Therefore you license (verb) someone by issuing them a licence (noun), hence TV licence, driving licence, licence fee, my licence, etc ‒ no 's' in licence when it's a noun. Anyway, please use and preserve our English language and avoid adopting unnecessary Americanisms. We're losing both our culture and our very own language. Please don't allow this to happen.
  3. Just one point, without sounding too pernickety. It's their licence (ce), not 'license' (se). Licence is the noun, whereas license is the verb only, unless you're American. Therefore you license (verb) someone by issuing them a licence (noun), hence we have off-licence, TV licence, driving licence etc ‒ no 's' in licence when it's a noun. Please use and preserve our beautiful English language and avoid adopting those unnecessary Americanisms. We don't want to lose what's left of our rich and wonderful English culture. xx
  4. No, it's more than that. The data (conveniently) excludes any stabbing beyond the line drawn on the Notting Hill Carnival map. Research the number of stabbings inside and outside the line in the whole area on carnival day. Someone chased and then stabbed on the next street, which happens often, is not officially counted as a Notting Hill Carnival stabbing. This helps to keep the numbers down, which most people then believe.
  5. Whisky or whiskey? For example, the spelling of Scotch whiskies should have no letter 'e' in 'whisky', hence no such drink as Scotch whiskey: it's actually Scotch whisky. Moreover, Scottish, English, Welsh, Australian, Canadian and Japanese whiskies all use 'whisky', but Irish and American whiskies use 'whiskey'.
  6. You mean an aeroplane, my sweetness. We're not Americans. These things also perturb me: pilot's license, defense (American), which should be pilot's licence, defence (English). Mind you, since we're losing our culture we may as well lose our language too and have done with it. Now, I wonder how the abominable BBC, with their pathological aversion to patriotism, will honour our WW2 veterans. Fortunately I binned the propaganda lantern over a decade ago, so I'll be spared their bile and historical disinformation. Anyway, hope you all have a delightful day.
  7. That should be temporary licence (ce), not 'temporary license' (se). Remember that licence is the noun, whereas license is the verb only, unless you're American. Therefore you license (verb) someone by issuing them a licence (noun), hence TV licence, driving licence, Firearms licence etc ‒ no 's' in licence when it's a noun. It's just one of those little things that drives me slightly loopy. xx
  8. Simply wear a decent sports bra. This works for me with sufficient efficacy. Moreover, it's favourites (with a 'u') not 'favorites', unless you're one of those silly Americans.
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