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Dave Thomson

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About Dave Thomson

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  • Birthday 11/10/1969

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  • Location
    Derbyshire England
  • Interests
    Anything rural & boxing & Tae kwon do & anything physical-broke my back power-lifting

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  1. I know people all around the country that have kennels full just of his line,keeping it pure-his son Craig up Darlington has a full pack of them,& loads of his mates in the area keep kennels full as well-Craig has his own pack of Fell hounds and the permission they have up Scotland is thousands of acres & they are hunting/digging 3/4 days a week Anyone who slags off Brian or his terriers hasn't done much digging and are just all mouth and have been no where and done nowt-saying Brian is a rubbish terrierman is just like saying that Mohamid Ali can't box-regards Dave Tomo.
  2. Hi there mate-I've only just logged onto this web site 2023 to try and find an article written after Brian's death-I'm the bloke your talking about that owned Crunch Dog-he was as hard a terrier as it's possible to get-I once put him in a 12" pipe and for 3 minutes all you heard was a lot of bumping and then he came out,he had bitten thro' both sides of his lips with his fangs -the farmer said 'he's not very bloody good is he' so I told him to fetch a roll of bailer twine and fastened it to a bitches collar and let her go in until I felt her stop and then just started pulling her gently back
  3. I was one of Brian's very closest friends and went digging with him from when I was 16 until about 46(53 now)-in fact Brian and Maureen refer to me as there 'second son'. I kept Miner at my house for about 5 month and he could kill a fox but he was not what you would call a hard dog,tho' he was always nose to nose with his quarry and not baying 3 feet away-Brian did have some of the hardest dogs you will ever see-Duke, Rocky and of course the famous bitch Penny from The Fell Terrier Book who was as hard as any dog and a dog called Briton which was actually a pup I bred and gave him-Miner was
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