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Everything posted by juckler123

  1. A mate of mine used to run threequater greyhound kerry blues he had three over the years and all were great lampers they were bred by ginger french they were a bit small for me being only 22 inches your lucky to have one that size it looks well impressive cant wait to see what itll be like in 6 months the merle looks well too all the best Juckler
  2. Ive noticed a lot of hare dogs have whippet bred into them ive seen some good dogs over the years and a good proportion of the better ones well the ones that stood out had a bit of whippet in their back breeding by rights this should help with turning and exceleration whats your lads views on this? and if any of you have had hare dogs bred this way how did they perform and what percentage of whippet were they? cheers Juckler
  3. Nice one mate that old brindle looks a powerhouse of a dog well sound!!
  4. Hi minion a good thread to start on and some good opinions too ive seen a lot of threequater colie crosses run and as was said before there sound for hunting up hares but for off the slip running by what ive seen stamina seems better in the thinner bred dogs some of the big greyhound types burn up really quickly
  5. I had two half brother and sister to fathom both good allrounders day or night rabbit hare fox n deer imho all his best dogs were around at that time and all were bred from a large deerhoundx called grip that terry aherne kept at his place in retirement i think he lost the plot and ended up with rabbiting dogs instead of complete lurchers breeding a lurcher strain certainly aint easy that dog rusty was in my opinion a lot better stamp of collie greyhound for a breeding program than merle and i believe plummer knew this but went with the merle for marketing and his own stamp
  6. f you fancy something different give these a try http://www.keziefoods.co.uk/products/spelecpacks
  7. When the onions etc are cooked down add a tin of tomatoes[optional]
  8. Heres a link for a breeder in OZ he might be able to set you up in NZ http://www.boardogs.com/ if you look scroll down to the pups for sale theres some bull greyhound types that should suit also check out the breeders. A few people have been on about stagx whippets for rabbits should imagine that would be a better way to go unless your gonna run anything else than rabbits
  9. For you that doubt i was there in 76 we used to meet across from newark castle as it was breaking light yeah with the travellers and go out in convoy round ledenham near lincoln ive seen a lot of good dogs run but we werent as sporting as you boys we didnt give em law and we didnt care when we run as long as the corn was short enough yeah they were soft hares it was about april time but i dont care what you say it was still some achievement ive owned dogs thats done 8 out of 8 and 9 out of 10 witnessed by more than a couple of folks but these were hunted up hares you know when the dog uses its
  10. Yeah mate as i said i never bred the dogs i had to a greyhound only wish i had they were leaner than kaneys taller too some the same colour and some orange brindle with yellow eyes got no pics either but i think i can get hold of some i wil try anyway by rights they shouldnt have thrown so lean but they did i put the same neo across three diferrent bullmastif bitches and the pups were all even the pups i kept all entered themselves to rabbits and brambles or anything else couldnt stop em i had given up with running dogs at the time[laid off for 8 years] and although i could see the potential i
  11. Your right they probably wont be any better than the dogs used on toothed quarry now but i cant honestly see em being any worse and they would definitely be a better bet on the fallow stags and reds i know these dogs dont look it but they are very agile and with a big enough hound it would be possible to hunt those bigger specimens, quarry that usually gets left alone im only speculating though and by the looks of it others are thinking on the same lines surely someone else out there has or will put this theory to the test if i was younger and had the zest for the game as i did a few years
  12. Heres one for folks that dont care for the hares srength its good for venison and lamb too 3 medium onions diced small 1 cup of vegetable oil two heaped teaspoons of thyme a piece of ginger about 1 inch square grated fine 4 cloves of garlic 4 or 5 birds eye chillis 1 heaped teaspoon each of cayene pepper cumin mixed spice turmeric paprika half a teaspoon powdered cloves salt and black pepper place all of above in a large saucepan and cook gently till all the onions etc have gone into a paste then place in jointed hare[no chest] cook with a lid on till meat falls off bone
  13. Kaney did you breed them yourself and how are they bred their very similar to the neo xs i used to breed just smaller and they do look well usefull the main reason i can see for recreating these dogs is if anyone wanted a serious campaign on the larger quarry in the uk imo they would be ideal ive also always thought a large fast alount type would put a good show on the charlies and old long ears i saw a 32 inch greyhound once kill 12 out of 12 hares running up and down hill at ledenham tops near lincoln this dog was massive but made old sally look easy i saw the owner turn down 2000 pound for
  14. Has anyone had any experience with any of theese basicaly a greyhound cross mastiff they used to be used on deer and boar and with the lurcher one of the oldest british breeds i had a few years playing about with neopolitanx bullmastiffs as man dogs the neo by the way was originally taken from britain by julius ceaser he was so impressed by there man killing abillity repotably crippling on the first bite and then going on to the next opponent ive seen neos pick 12 stone blokes of the ground and shake em some animal when bred to a bullmastiff they produce a very lean agile animal i bred a few o
  15. Good on you for sticking with the bitch mate id have said there would be more danger of her knocking the tail round home than there would be out hunting if your worried put a cover over the last couple of inches something hard that wil take a knock and she should be fine if shes just had stitches out give her a fortnight and she should be healed enough dont rush theres still plenty of time for them young rabbits
  16. When i was younger we had a stewpot that used to stay on all year round and everyday it got topped up with whatever was caught fur or feather anyone who came to visit got a bowlfull the pan never got below a third full and the more it went on the better it got
  17. Homepride cook in sauce white wine and cream or chasseur stick an onion in it put it in the oven in a casserole on a low heat go out for the day dogging come back 6 to 8 hrs later and tuck in
  18. A bit greasy but o.k white meat bit like young rabbit but i reckon youd need one per person the trotters were better they also ate squirrels in a stew yummy!
  19. Ive got to agree with the gameness of bullxs but to me they always seem to be smashed bad from the charlies perhaps thats not the case i got into fox lamping a few years back and used deerhound and collie blooded dogs in 70 odd kills neither dog had a mark on em they used to pick em up across the withers and shake feck out of em one of the dogs never even bothered finishing em off retrieving em still snarling [just] to hand theese dogs run single handed never doubled up perhaps i was just lucky but i must admit one of the dogs did quit after a fox locked over his muzzel and he couldnt get it o
  20. The best lurcher i ever owned would run up to game hares or rabbits put in a turn or two then come running back wagging his tail thinking that was all that was required this was at 14 months of age i was hunting on my own at the time and didnt have another dog to show him so i just persevered i didnt want him hard mouthed so i didnt rag him to get him keen most coursing men would have sold him as a quitter but at 17 months the penny dropped he went on to be the best hare dog ive ever seen and a sound lamper this dog would never quit on anything always guaranteed 3 out of 3 daytime so twelve mo
  21. As long as the fats set on the kidneys ill eat em
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