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Everything posted by juckler123

  1. Ive had plenty of dogs that will take charlie and never had trouble with em once theyve grown up i just cant be doing with a puller i lamp on me own a lot of the time so walking and watching at heel is essential its no fun trying to lamp with a dog rearing and bucking on the lead i lamp with the dogs free a lot so i train em to go when told and if you had read my first post properly you would have seen i said i hadnt seen a slip like that in years but if i was stuck i wouldnt hesitate to use a bit of bailer at the end of the day if the dogs on a lead it should be collared if its a puller as it
  2. I cant help thinking we didnt help ourselves with popularising our running dogs shows organised meets idiots going on t.v telling the country what their dogs are taking and lumping ourselves with the hunting fraternity what was the poor mans pot filler became a status symbol perhaps if we had kept out of the limelight the lurcher would have been overlooked
  3. cheers for the replies lads ive only bolted tawny owls in one particular wood a large pine forest i do regularly bolted 5 in last twenty years i think your right Berkutchi they are probably nesting as its always been around feb time i see a lot of you have bolted foxs me too very rare they kill the ferret all the best juckler
  4. look for a threequater bred very usefull animals and a cross there should be more of seen some belting dogs bred this way a lot better bigger and faster than the straight cross and still with enough brain power good looking too
  5. I just couldn't control a dog without a collar on ! says it all try training your dog works wonders
  6. 25 suits me for all round work before the ban i would go above or below that depending if i was having a campaign on deer or rabbits different dogs for different quarry
  7. Just wondered what things other than rabbits you lads have had other than rabbits and has anyone else bolted tawny owls
  8. I agree 100 per cent and you aint much of a poacher if you leave any signs that youve been on the land robbing vandalilising and driving over crops etc theres no wonder theyd sooner shoot their hares one keeper near me shot everyone and let em rot this keeper is a real conservationist and never bothered the odd lad out for one for the pot but when gambling lads started drving cars all over the estate on and off road he said he had no choice it was the easy way out
  9. its what we used to call the poormans altcar slip not seen one in years we used to use the free version made out of bailer twine but they soon frey that cord looks the buisness ideal if you dont like a collar on the dog when running
  10. i hate shooting everything exept those tame pheasant things and even they get a chance as i only go at night as for permission its boring takes the fun right out of the sport plus you need a lot of land to go at as wildlife educates quick to a chap with a dog known a few poachers turned keeper and they all turned against their mates funny how people can do that
  11. ferreting in a gale you must be mad each to their own its hard to explain what im getting at all my dogs have marked sets without getting their heads inside thats just my way of doing things and i dont hardly ever get a lay up
  12. its not hard to keep your dog from putting his nose in the burrow just berate him when it does this and it will start marking staring at the hole all mine have done it what i do then is place em downwind but in site of any bolters as i said earlier a lot of bunnys will sneak up the pipe before bolting and if they see the dog or you they will sneak back in i used to let my dogs sniff and some would really snort when marking but i stopped em doing it and had a lot less lay ups as reguards to getting rid of good working ferrets if the ferrets learnt to collar em easy id sooner pass em on where i
  13. spot on BLACKBOB a lot of folks dont realise how good the dogs nose is they get enough scent from round the warren to let em know somethings at home without putting their nose right inside the hole ive been out with dogs that snort down the hole taking great big lungfulls of air giving the game right away next worse fault is leaving them in front of the hole staring at the net when your netted up better to have the dog downwind either with you or positioned to watch the holes you cant see use hand commands for sit lie and stay and youve cracked it no noise will mean less lay ups everytime chee
  14. get the dog used to lamping without a slip lead it might be a bit chaotic at first but they soon settle down and follow the beam then just walk on the squatters and dont shout the dog on let it get used to em with no encouragement its a lot easier lamping with the dog off the lead
  15. Ive done it brother on sisters running dogs and pit bulls first three times no worries last time i ended up with seven pups six of which ended up with heart murmours none of em lived more than six mths and the one that was o.k was a giant for the breed put me off doing it again better half brother to half sister or uncle to niece
  16. I go to a farm in derbyshire a couple of times a year and the old boys collies both catch rabbits they go off on their own and hunt they are really tall hill collies red and white in colour about 24 inch to the shoulder and really leggy ive asked him times many to put one over a greyhound but he not have none of it says it will ruin em the blokes a proper old farmer wears potato bags tied round his trouser legs and hes as tight as a ducks ass i think if they didnt catch their own dinner they wouldnt get any but no ammount of money offered will change his mind
  17. youve missed the point a dog will STILL MARK a set without putting its nose down the burrow try teaching it not to put its head down and the dog will still stare at the set head cocked to one side to let you know the bunnys in there its even easier when approaching from downwind ive had dogs mark rabbits to the limit of the locator box without placing their noses to the ground its no great feat ive not had a dog that wouldnt do it im ferreting warrens i did 40 years ago little three and four hole sets and had rabbits out of em every year without a dig i feed my ferrets excessively and everytim
  18. ive owned dogs that would jump box hedges but it wasnt something they were trained to do all of my dogs have been learnt over and under commands but when at distance and at speed they have to make their own mind up some will do it some wont prefering to go for the gaps its great to watch a dog take a hedge in its stride but theres not many that will i suppose it would be possible to train a dog to go over hedges starting small and working your way up but as the lads have said is it really necessary
  19. ive seen a lot of pics on this forum with lurchers marking warrens with their heads right inside the rabbit burrow to me this just gives the game away to the rabbit and more often than not will cause a lay up there is absolutely no need for your dog to be snorting down the hole if you teach the dogs properly not to do this the dog will still mark just looking at the hole and ive seen pics of dogs guarding nets in full view of the emerging bunny not all rabbits bolt a lot of em will try and sneak out but if they see the dog then its lay up time again better to position the dog away from the war
  20. seen a few escapees over the years lynx in favisham there was two of em one bigger than the other so possibly a pair saw them regularly over a period of about two months that was in the seventies saw a wallaby one night near retford in notts a brown spectecalled bear on the outskirts of sherwood forest didnt know what it was at the time and a pine martin near lincoln all in the eighties i know their was a pair of amazon parrots breeding every year in kent and have done for a few years biggest foxes ive seen have been round kinder and edale and on the foreshaw round wainfleet tallest anyway fa
  21. most lurchers will nick owt they can some are class at it one old dog i owned could nick the meat from your plate in a second he knew when you wernt looking came home one day and hed opened the chest freezer and ate as much frozen meat as he could on a near new settee the mrs was well chuffed i can tell you i learnt the same dog to pinch off my mates market stall for a laugh you could pick an item whisper remember walk off and send him back he would be straight back to the stall grab watever it was and hightail it back the same dog was sent back a measured mile and threequaters for two rabbits
  22. Hi shina i look for a dominant temperment followed by long back and legs if ive bred the litter then its the pup who does everything first theres usually one or two that are more forward
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