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Everything posted by juckler123

  1. The only supplement id give with a good diet is calcium tabs i always give em my pups for the first year they dont cost a lot sherleys do them and most chemists stock em no need for sa37 IMO
  2. Didnt the R.S.P.C.A used to do a castration service for free either that or you could get a discount through them worth a phone call anyways
  3. Best way to get rid of fleas in a house is smoke bomb em with a greenhouse smoke bomb gamma base if poss thats what council will do not to expensive either then if you can get hold of em where you are one or two of them slow release fly and wasp killers that last three months these are guarranteed to kill fleas i used to keep one in the kennel and one in the house all the time [out of the reach of the dogs] saves all the hassle and expense vet put me onto em years ago for doing him a favour its what he used on things like snakes and stuff that dont like baths all told your looking at about a
  4. Pup looks a belter all the best with her
  5. Are you using an ockle [finger protector] its easier when you first start as it dont hurt your hand as much and you can pull better you only need to use one till you get used to knitting
  6. Its not just us that are having climate problems its world wide i studied global warming 20 years ago now and what was predicted then is happening now so get used to plenty of rain in the u.k according to what i read then we are in for a right old time of it the next 15 years could be really eye opening
  7. there used to be a lot of this cross about and some were very typey long and lean throwing to the saluki/greyhound but in the straight cross sg/cg there can be a lot of litter wastage by wastage i mean a bit small for all round work i bred several litters this way and from different sires and dams all genuine crosses id say a good third of em were to small for anything but rabbiting dogs or lampers but the ones that were bigger 24/27 were really class animals with exeptional staying power and preydrive a lot of these larger pups were bred together and their litters were quite even as SAMBA say
  8. Had a similar experience with a pure saluki this one lived in but took a shine to my father he really liked the dog and everytime i visited him made a right fuss of him sharing dinner with him sat at the side of him must have liked the peace and quiet there and a never ending supply of titbits anyway end result was everytime my back was turned he would hightail it back to me dads best bit was he had only ever been there in the car he only lived two miles away 1st time he went there it took him half an hour next time five mins i ended up giving him to him he ran his hares as has been stated wea
  9. Got to agree with furryferter and foxdropper they can be really cagey in the daytime ive often called foxs in when squeeking hares up and they hate leaving the hedgeside or cover
  10. would love to see a capercallie if you want to see a hobby theres a pair that nest in dovedale on bunster plenty of lizards in heather in and around sherwood forest and nightjars. adders and grass snakes in lincoln seen lynx around favisham amazon parrots to one pair nesting as well as green ring necks one of the best kept secrets in my area has got to be honey buzzards and nesting ospreys on welbeck estates notts
  11. thick domestos better than parvocide so the vets near me say nothing worse than parvo
  12. cant fault you mate It dont hurt the dogs to be vomited out with soda crystals but i wouldnt do it then expect em to perform at their best
  13. like Meerihunter says more out on short grass and stubble thats been left round our way fed up of getting soaked rabbits though
  14. Do the police in general really care about poachers i dont think they do well not where i am anyways i know theres community wildlife officers out there that are having campaigns in various areas but the bobbys where i am are no bother i bet half of em dont even know the difference between a rabbit and a hare i got pulled a few weeks ago by a sargeant and four others and they laughed when i was talking about the new laws ive been pulled all my adult life coming back early doors and as soon as they see youve been lamping they are not interested neither should they be as theres a lot more going
  15. bluebells are coming up never noticed em before in jan
  16. lots of fallow more now than theres ever been round my way a fair few muntys been here about the last twenty years and they seem to be increasing a few roe which are more common now than ever the only deer that dont seem to have spread are the reds i only know of one wild herd all the others are on estates and seem to stay there the wild herd is no bigger now than it ever was although the stags seem to cover a fair distance the does are always in the same area. not seen any chineese water deer notts /derbyshire border
  17. Interesting to see the fox rated so highly
  18. a good old fashioned type of lurcher looks the perfect pot filler
  19. WITTON poaching is definitely a young mans sport when you get long in the tooth it becomes a hassle to go for numbers etc its you lads that are at your prime that will give the dogs a proper work out when i was your age i was never in and spent twelve plus hours out every day sometimes sleeping twice a day after lamping and then coursing nowadays a couple hours a day does me and you and CHATPOLSKI are bang on you will never stop learning thats the beauty of being a hunter all the best Juckler
  20. Use your time to find more land to run on when the dog comes right as JOEB says if your into running dogs lay ups will happen ive seen the time when ive had five dogs on the yard and nowt to run sooner than buying another dog to run i would go looking for new places
  21. The only things i know that dont get bothered are red and fallow stags every dog ive ever seen will strugle on these beasties and more than likely get smashed up if they tried singlehanded if it wasnt for the prison sentence nowadays i would have loved a play about with something really big 32 inch or above and a truck with a wynch to get em away
  22. Diggit mate best to take the bitch to the vet if she has retained any afterbirths he will give her a jab so she can expell em might be a bit late now though still id ask his advice
  23. get him out while you can my lad went out at least once a week with me for about seven years he not have nowt to do with it now and hates his mates knowing what i get up to he used to love the game so enjoy every moment all the best juckler
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