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Everything posted by juckler123

  1. Chavs day outing by the looks of it
  2. IRISH HARE lepus timidus hibernicus is a sub species of the mountain hare geneticaly distinct from the scottish mountain hare lepus timidus scoticus more like those found on the european mainland.recognised as a species in 1833 totally geneticaly distinct from the brown hare lepus europeaus.It has an all white tail unlike the brown. They are nearly as big as the brown hare and a much richer colour its not unknown for them to turn lighter in colour in winter.Very rarely seen out in the day unless flushed prefering to lie up in rough cover top speed 35 mph a tad slower than the brown that has a
  3. If the dogs aint used to running in woods etc from pups you are asking for trouble seen a few dogs took out in the orchards in kent when fruitpicking
  4. Top post DS ive used locators in the past but now dont bother prefering to travel light and try not to dig as much as possible as you say there is a lot more to ferreting the old way i dont do big warrens only take out half a dozen nets monkey in a bag in my pocket a dog and a good knife.Ive always learnt the dogs to mark without pushing their noses underground some folks dont get this saying the dog not mark without putting its head inside the hole but they do. Always approach the warrens from downwind put the dog in stay and net up.if i do get a layup which isnt often ill wait for the ferret
  5. A lot of dogs get ruined by early work they catch one or two and before you know it you end up working em flat out and as Brock says this can lead to heart and lung trouble later on. I like to let em grow and also ive found the later you start em the less nesh they are of cover and seem a lot more determined
  6. Irish hares are mountain hares that went into ireland during the last ice age and became a seperate species when the thaw came. They run a bit better than our mountain hares but not as swift as the brown you can see the similarity to the mountain hare still in the head more rabbit looking than the brown
  7. You couldnt want for more nice and close up look forward to seeing the deerhounds
  8. dogs that jack through Injurys and exhaustion are curable unless the dogs blown bad then you havent a chance ive seen dogs that have blown where folks have rested em and given them plenty of time to come right all to no avail these were dogs that wanted to do the job again but couldnt. I think you have to know the dogs limits its no good running a dog into the ground
  9. Ive eaten course fish trout salmon carp barble pike perch zander and gudgeon we used to sell pike to the game dealers at 50p a pound whats the difference between poaching fish and game none as far as i can see only its legal with fish if you have a licence just because these fellows eat fish in their native country why shouldnt they do it here i would advise em to buy a licence and that would be it lets face it the government let em in this country so as buisnesses could use them for cheap labour if they were paid the right wage i bet they wouldnt bother eating river fish
  10. Went in as a curry and came out sweet and sour did it
  11. I had what i thought was a good fox dog it took em for fun wouldnt finish some of em though once they were smashed up enough he would just bring em to drop em at your feet this dog took above fifty in three seasons then one of the local landowners aked me if i could rid his estate of em. They were all living in an old quarry and after watching the dog nearly kill itself running up and down near vertical cliffs i had a go at snaring em. One of the main runs was on a slope near the quarry entrance and with my inexperience at snaring foxes at that time i put a wire on it result a fox caught rou
  12. Thats one smart looking beddie whippet nice one jeff
  13. If i cant get on the land for a day or two i give em ball work and get em to stay then call em when im at the other end of the field helps em run that bit faster than when they gallop themselves
  14. owned and Seen a fair few good hare dogs without saluki in them and good for four or five hares quick killing dogs and dogs that will box em but these dogs had the work put into them daily
  15. As i stated in an earlier thread i owned a hancock half cross couldnt fault her for lamping,ferreting,daytime rabbits she was worked hard for five seasons and never let me down caught as much out the beam as she did in it where most dogs would pull up at the hedgebottom she would carry on and as a result always caught more than the average lurcher best night fifty six bunnies three woodcock and six partridges a tough bitch that never let me down the dog i have at the moments line bred and goes back to her brother
  16. Do some gambling with your local travellers and show em a dog thats better than theirs not only will you get an endless amount of unwanted callers including some of the names in coursing but believe me if they get beat often enough word spreads like wildfire and sooner or later you will find i speak the truth
  17. kekky moi [spelling]theres good and bad the good are normally in a vardo or carpet sellers jmo no seriously to say all travellers are bad is not on theres plenty of bad people out there full stop in all walks of life ive travelled lived in teepees vans and benders me best mate now lives in a vardo when your on the road you get it from both sides
  18. Duckwing is spot on but i would expand on that a bit more if your dog is worth anything to you and good at his job keep to a few select friends if you have to bragging dogs off always ends up with the wrong person hearing and then if your security aint tight it will soon be gone seen a lot of good dogs nicked i came home one day to some with a crowbar in the front door as they knew i had my best dog in the house nothing phases a dog thief
  19. I owned a hancock half cross litter sister to chuckles a great bitch exelled on the lamp and a proper pot filler i had five hard working seasons out of her and she never let me down it doesnt matter if his dogs dont see work how many first crosses parents do most are bred from ex track dogs and how many collies are lamped not any thay i know of nowadays. at least you know what you will end up with as for the socialising and faults they are down to the person bringing the dog up collie crosses arent a begginers dog in the wrong hands they are easily ruined moreso than less brainy lurchers and
  20. Biggest rats round our way were in the empty chicken broiler sheds they used to leave em empty for about two months a time full of chicken snap god they were big buggers sadly with the government inspections no rats at all now in the sheds
  21. red admirals have been out every day its been warm right through the winter if you can call it a winter ladybirds too
  22. squirrels are full of mites fleas and ticks deffo skin em or freeze em first hard little b stards tree rats takes a good ferret to take em on
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