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Everything posted by will.f11

  1. well done. cracking kits. I will put a few pictures of mine up in due course!
  2. thanks. A friend of mine said that she would take me If i need someone over 18 to accompany me. what time of year do you start again?
  3. there will still be some left as he only wants 2. anyone else?
  4. I was going to have that for the first accomadation and then put a hutch or two with pipes running out.
  5. thanks. I rang him and we hopefully sorted something out. but I think markieboi stole my pitch lol
  6. would you still like some of mine? or are you buying off markieboi? Please let me know.
  7. I have just been on the net and it seems that Flax is more expensive than hemp anyway. would flax make a bad net?
  8. O. Mine was definatly hemp(just checked) but perhaps he had a drink when he was making your nets and got them muddled up lol(???)
  9. Yes. I have got an empty rat run round my house so I will just them through that for a bit of exercise and fun!
  10. I dont think I would be able to make that! Paid wold you make one and sell it? if so how much?
  11. The DVD tutorial I bought from Jbs was by brian brinded. It was really good and that how I learnt to make nets!
  12. can you get 2 collers and two boxes for 125 quid? My understanding was that Mk1s are easier to use than MK3s!
  13. Thanks halfinch Everyone seems to be quite confrontational towards me at the moment. All I want is to be able to sell the kitsI want to sell And keep the ones I want to keep. And if I would like a hob kit to bring on for next years blood then so be it.
  14. It probably sounded wrong I meant does anyone else go ferreting in the summer. I am fairly new to this and I wasnt sure if i should go out even though I often do
  15. I have bought some hemp off Jbs and it seemed like hemp to me!
  16. I am planning to buy a 6ft x 6ft x 6ft avary to house my ferrets. I will have to build accomadation inside so would a 4ft wide x 5ft tall x 3 ft from back to front house with 2 levels be OK? how many ferrets would this house?
  17. yes butthere still arent enough
  18. Thanks all. Where abouts are you bigbulls?Would there be a charge?
  19. Why do you think that? Its not my words. I think I read about it somewhere!
  20. Will PM you in a couple of weeks then
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