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Everything posted by will.f11

  1. Have you got a heavy feed bowl which she could have lifted and fallen back on her head?
  2. will.f11


    Legends. Been a favy for a long time now
  3. will.f11

    hunting ban

    I do, really want the ban to be lifted but perhaps it is easier with it? I mean how many people can honestly say they have stopped their sport since the ban? My uncle was saying that he stopped foxhunting before the ban because of the amount of grief from antis, and it took all fun out of it. Now he is back in the saddle and hunting with the rest of us. He says its as good as it ever was. So perhaps seeing the antis have layed off a little bit now the ban is in place its easier for us. Its always good fun to retrieve shot foxes
  4. Not saying you shouldnt do it mate. But just expect an inbox full of abusive pms from him if he sees it.
  5. Do you not need a cert for .410?
  6. Your gonna get a bollocking from the ferret box co. for them mate. Identical design and he dont like copycats
  7. will.f11


    PM fishfish, he makes some very nice cattys. Not too expensive either
  8. they look nice mate, spun nylon?
  9. This is alot of ferrets i reckon we could make 1000...
  10. My grandad said he used to just pin them on a board in the sun, and rub salt on everyday or sommit. Then it should be nice and dry without all the fatty stuff.
  11. will.f11


    Its snowed over night and was thick yesterday at about 4.00pm. Its probably at least 5 inches out here. Dog loves it and out sleighing later.
  12. Welcome back MC. I think you owe MistNet a pint hes done alot of saying where you were edited. I said wrong username
  13. If I work 1, I like to work from bottom of the set, with 2 ferrets one at each end so they work towards each other. But with 3 I like one at each end and one in middle. But its all down to personal preference
  14. its not a site for selling sh.t its a site for hunting people You can sell what you like in for sale bit mate, i'd prefere to see this than all the dogs getting shifted at the moment
  15. Sorry for his loss. Hope all dogs are found homes All the best to his and your family
  16. Someone told me it wont work as the rabbit burrows are different in size to a rats. A rats is smaller in width and will fill with smoke quicker, whereas a rabbit set would probably take alot longer as it is bigger in size. It may well be possible but a lot more waiting involved me thinks
  17. If it was a badger, the ferret wouldnt be alive mate
  18. I have one like this. I must admit I was quite worried in the summer and even got vet at one point. But he turned out fine even though he is skinny
  19. Not going to be over for me for a long while yet. Should hope april will be fine.
  20. My mate adds her other 3 608
  21. Hello guys. Got a micro SD card here with adapter. In small plastic case and will post. Its been used but is completely wiped and not used much at all. Pm with an offer. Not looking for much.
  22. Would you be interested in a swap for purse nets mate? And roughly what power is it at?
  23. Good luck mate. Good deal that. You might wanna say roughly how many nets though
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