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Everything posted by will.f11

  1. I bought a really cheap one called rabbiting, just some of the methods and it was great! cost me 99p off ebay and taught me alot. If any of you guys are members speak now and pm me if you make any more DVDs
  2. can you locate ferrets above ground with the deben finders
  3. this year my dad has been doing loads of chicken breeding. (light sussex) but the cockrels all get sexed out at a few weeks old and are a very good meal for the ferrets. they practically live on it and we have a few big sheds full of these birds!
  4. . WHAT IS YOUR NAME? (OPTIONAL)Will Finnemore 2. WHAT IS YOUR AGE? [ ] 12 OR UNDER [13] 13 – 17 [ ] 18 – 29 [ ] 30 + 3. DO YOU OWN FERRETS, OR KNOW SOMEBODY WHO OWNS THEM? YES 4. DO YOU USE YOUR FERRETS TO CATCH RABBITS, OR KNOW SOMEBODY WHO DOES? YES 5. DO YOU HAVE TROUBLE TRANSPORTING FERRETS YES (IF NO PLEASE STATE WHY………………………………………………………………………..) 6. IF YES, HOW COULD YOU IMPROVE THIS? a motorised trolley to save my legs…………………………………………………………………………………â€
  5. he is brilliant. i have one. and i reckon i sould use it as furniture the way it is made and varnished. I dont no how many it will take though? does anyone else have any triple off him and how many do you put in?
  6. this may be a stupid question but is it co2?
  7. Id say your an Idiot pmsl agreed
  8. why? it is 7 weeks so it it shouldnt need to be.
  9. I feed jameswellbeloved but lorelie told me that they are going to put up there prices. All ferret food is the same in the long run as they wouldnt sell it if it wasnt.
  10. im only 13 now but my dad kept ferrets and so did his dad and his dad ect. lol.
  11. Dont take that gun near a rabbit. Its fine for barn pigeons when they are not in flight but im not so sure about the 177. as i have only shot the 22. calibre model. By a decent springer and then get out shooting. also try and go out ferreting its great fun!!
  12. OOPPS! corrected. I was going to ask if you had been shooting small childrens pet bunnies!! lmao
  13. a nice bit of shooting there mate! also which 'pets' do you controll. U may wanna go spell check haha
  14. My 6 year old sister has fallen in love with my new hob kit. They get on really well and she gets out loads of tunnels in the garden and coaxes him through! Its funny to watch but I reckon that he will be a good fast rabbiter
  15. and also i meant ME get him 1 by getting the forms and paying. Then all he would have to do is fill it in and hand it in
  16. he doesnt have 1 I just meant if he did then I wouldnt need 1
  17. perhaps you might want to change your spelling to 'come' mate . I could take offence
  18. I want them lol. I will out bid you by 1 pound I bid 21 posted
  19. They werent sure about me having a license and because they were over 18 when the got theirs they didnt have to think about that. If my dad has a license and has to supervise me anyway would I be able to just get him a license because there wouldnt be much point me having 1 if I cant buy a gun lol
  20. will.f11

    deer drive

    Ithink iv got a virus from it
  21. also what does atb mean lol?
  22. Because Im only 13 and cant (strictly speaking) carry a gun on a public highway I put mine in a guitar case. Noone batts an eyelid and i kinda makes me feel like a gangstar lmao. Even though I wouldnt even think of taking it out near a road
  23. Is the gammo break barrel?
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