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Everything posted by will.f11

  1. I went out the other day at the same sort of time and had nought
  2. lol. a bag of purse nets would be good though
  3. I agree and as a cornish lad myself I would never need to pay more than 20 quid
  4. its everywhere. i dont even know why I bought it lol. it would make a nice crimbo pressie for someone? by it now whilst stocks last lmfao
  5. Id be happy to pay upto 25 for a decent jill. probably only 20 for a nice old hob
  6. lol. your check is in the post btw
  7. wanker jog on :wankerzo4: no need for that mate you dont know me calm down I think he may be havin a laugh mate. now it is people dressed like that what knive people innit blood?
  8. clean it really well and then feed them for a few days down in that corner. they dont like eating near there crap so that may work
  9. I know people which sell em but I never have any spare as I love rabbit and it goes down a treat with the ferrets lol. I have been known to sell the odd air gun shot pigeon now and again and was never asked for a license
  10. I went out today for a couple of hours but there was nothing bolting. Had a few kills underground because the ferts were covered in blood and fur but nothing went in the nets
  11. he's not a poley mate he's a sandy very true
  12. I will get it done sooner then
  13. cheers mate. Once i get the money i will send a pm;)
  14. Im going to donate the minute i can.
  15. it says he joined today on his profile
  16. donates to the site i take it. I really need to get it done but I dont have paypal.
  17. this site is pretty good as it is. i suggest that you are not allowed to start threads until you have been a part of the site for at least a month
  18. yes. I got a hob off lorelie, he is a really nice ferret but is almost the same size as a fox! (only joking) but i went to see my friend and he said that I could have a couple jills and i just happened to have a hutch set up and ready so i thought i would take him up on it.
  19. lol. if your ever near by1
  20. yes thanks so much it was really good. thanks for that and if your ever in Cornwall you can do whatever with the rabbits on our land
  21. i tried that but they seemed to like the juice and when they had cut my hand the juice got in and it hurt even more
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