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Everything posted by will.f11

  1. Iv got 2 little 9 week old jills and they will not be ready to start until at least december, january
  2. is there anyway WE CAN BUY THE DRUGS?
  3. 20 quid for a jab here.
  4. good on you for taking him in.
  5. use an air gun and silencer! and say you didnt know you couldnt if you are caught
  6. He has a full stomach so i presume hes eaten most of it because he has had nout else!
  7. try and ring some local farmers and ask if you could do some help on the farm in exchange for shooting permission. if you are sensible then the farmer may spread the word and you may get more!
  8. congratulations. is she coming out for the romantic nights shooting by any chance?
  9. thanks everyone. I tried him on canned and kibble yesterday and it went down a treat. So i will feed meat until a couple of days before I go and then leave them on canned and kibble. I have found that i didnt need much canned food to make him it the dry
  10. 30 quid posted? but I can only take it after im back from holiday. if you cant do it at that price PM me.
  11. Im going to mix dry and cat food and feed to them for a little bit to determine that he is eating it. I am away for 2 weeks and although I feed him meat everyday it is a big ask for someone else to do it while I am away. He is a little fat bugger at the moment anyway so a couple weeks on tinned may do some good. lmao
  12. I have a castrated ferrets that is a great worker. he is very thourough and wont come up until its cleaed.
  13. will tin cat food be ok? if it is then I will but only if im sure it will be ok for them
  14. I got my castrate hob off someone which fed cat biscuits and wet cat food to it. He wasnt in very good condition and the minute i put him on ferret food then he recovered and although he has always been on the thin side his shit looks healthy and is very active
  15. your fit thats not very subtle wink hound lol.
  16. im going to try putting him on his own for a few days so i can see if he is eating it or not.
  17. I have a young hob which has only been fed on meat and never wants to eat dry food. I am going to france for a couple of weeks on the 17th august and it would be very useful to be able to only have to give them dry while im away. I dont want to leave him with my friend unless I am certain that he is eating dry food. any help will be apprieciated
  18. welcome to THL. its great and as long as you dont piss anyone off then you should get along fine (btw its very easy to piss off some people on this site lmfao)
  19. dont have kits that cant be looked after
  20. looks a nice dog. hope you find a good home for it
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