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Everything posted by will.f11

  1. I need this asap and hopefully manage to get hold of one by friday
  2. yes cheers its just I was looking for the brian brinded one as I dont have paypal Its hard to use the bay of E
  3. Hi I am looking for a purse net making tutorial dvd. I had one but when I looked today I couldnt find it maybe someone has got one but has finished learning and is ready to hand it on. I am happy to pay if in good condition. Cheers Will.f11
  4. the guitar thing sounds quite good. I may try and buy an old shitted up guitar off school.
  5. try and get yourself a ferret or two and get out catching them in nets. You could try buying a longnet and driving in the catch without ferrets. but this is done at night. I dont know much about this sort of thing so post on the longnetting section
  6. I have just been matching coney catcher 2 and They were up on the yorkshire dales. seemed like bloody good rabbits up there, nice fat animals too!
  7. I would of thought unless she is tiny then she should be able to stand up for herself
  8. well done matey. now id put her back in with the run attached, wait for her to make an exit and then you will be able to diagnose the problem and ferret proof your run
  9. how much did she cost you? I wouldnt go all the way to germany for a flippin ferret lol. it must be able bolt foxes
  10. hey. just a quick question! Could someone explain to me about setting the bagging. As I dont know a huge amount about longnetting Ive never been to sure what 100% bagging meant. How do i get the net to have 100% bagging if i give a go at making it?
  11. yes he is deffo getting enough as there is always a little bit of food left over. He will put a bit back on when there is lots of rabbit this winter
  12. DONT BUY THE KIT FROM JBS nets lol. the only good things are the needle,rings and dvd. the actuall hemp is not actual hemp
  13. DONT BUY THE KIT FROM JBS nets lol. the only good things are the needle,rings and dvd. the actuall hemp is not actual hemp
  14. I think so. i only have a piece of wood at 2 1/4 inchs. but I was told that that was fine. If anyone has an old mesh gauge they dont need i would be happy to take it off there hands also I use the mesh board and then pull the knots tight. I tried to teach myself through brian brinded net making dvd
  15. lol. I tried it once and it wasnt that nice. but its protien lol
  16. bad luck but good luck with dealing with the filth
  17. lol. It might be the time to buy myself a few mares. My dad has commoners rights on bodmin moor so I may buy a couple in foal mares to go up on there. gives my horse a bit of exercise going to see em and also gives me a bit more reason to keep the rabbit population down
  18. try and introduce them slowly. like put them in a room together for an hour and see how they react. I did this with mine and they soon got on really well
  19. After all the trouble I didnt take him in. I found a small bit of sick and it had a few little bones in it. I thought that unless i spot him trying to throw up again I would conclude that he has been trying to get out some bones and now he has succeded he hasnt been doing it again.
  20. would they eat each other because they are hungry or because they are bored?
  21. use up all of your available space you are happy to let ferrets on. If you have alot of space and have enough money to do it a court is best. Contact John Hubery on here as I have heard he makes really nice court systems. But remember you wont get it cheap unless you make it yourself
  22. bloody hell thats a good bag! well done and I hope you had a good day. and I cant wait for the pics
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