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Everything posted by will.f11

  1. if it is watered down rabbit piss then all you need to do is not squeeze the piss out of your dead rabbits and collect it and add water. if it does work then Ive found meself a new moneymaking scheme!
  2. ignore that because I found it...
  3. where did my get to know each other thread go? I dont see any reason for it to be deleted so where is it?
  4. sweet. where abouts in cornwall are you mate?
  5. haha Ive just noticed you are from cornwall markbrik so I am now on your side through and through i dont like a fellow cornishman being bullied
  6. im will, from cornwall. Im 14 next week and have loads of animals lol 6 ferrets, 4 cats, 5 horses, about 150 beef cattle loads of chickens A dog a few goats ducks geese and in the fields (lukily) there are thousands of bunnies!
  7. haha cheers then mate I cant get enough of it. my dad used to do alot but he thinks im mad because all i do i cut our local rabbit polulation, be it snares, ferrets, airguns, shotguns, a bit of trapping lol and the odd bit of lamping with lurchers. hehe. i have an obbsession
  8. cheers WRF not that I know what that means
  9. Ive got 30 here ready to go, PM me if you want them and I will tell you postage and my address
  10. cheers jay jay, goodluck. im fairly new to the longnetting game and recently bought a 35 yard traditional longnet in 10z. this has been perfect as i have managed to get the hang of it really quickly and have been out practising in the garden most nights(trying to learn to lay and pick up in the dark) and also a big thanks to stubby as he has been a great help with me starting it
  11. Just a suggestion but if you put a collar on it and follow it with the reciever and your camera reciever then you may be able to get more footage good luck
  12. cheers. I own a couple 26 acre silage fields and they feed in the middle as the lamping is really good in there so do I just put it in front of the burries, walk the longest route possible to get to them and then drive them in gently? I am well chuffed as ive got it at a really really good price
  13. also they need to have reasonable sized tits. lol. not so small you cant see em but not so big you end up with water-filled carrier bags when they reach 50
  14. A woman that is hairy is a turn off for me we have an RE teacher at school who doesnt believe in shaving body hair so wears vests and walks around with her hairy armpits and legs showing, disgusting...
  15. Right, I have just sent off the money for a 100 yard quickset longnet and basket system. will this be anygood for nighttime longnetting or does it need to be a traditional longnet? also would the clinking of the pegs scare the rabbits off?
  16. also if it turns into a real biter id finish it off as theres nothing worse than a ferret you cant trust on the field
  17. Ive never needed to do that... ever since being about 5 years old i was taught that if a ferret locked on just to put pressure on the skull with your finger(not too hard) and they usually let go.
  18. I wouldnt put it on the tube though mate, It will show what happens underground and we know that there will be a fair bit of tussling going on! so dont do anything that will fuel the antis LMAO. but anyway great Idea and I cant wait to see the results
  19. seems like a decent enough bloke. I just think sometimes when we are all argueing that perhaps WE brought on the ban? we need to stick together guys
  20. will.f11

    christmas list

    cough cough, (groomer), cough cough. but seeing im the same age as georgia i wouldnt mind some for crimbo
  21. look in the countrymans weekly in KP&S nets, I think there were some in there if there werent then they are deffinately in another advertisement. My mate says they are good quality and he is my local fointain of knowlege on nets and shooting.
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