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Everything posted by will.f11

  1. You can buy opinels at camping shops and arthur carters field sports sell em. if you are ever in france then try Carrefour (big french 'hyper marche')
  2. my mate put a fox in the freezer and ate it when he was very drunk, apparently it tastes like shite!!!
  3. yeah you will see me out loads. now weve got back into it, we wont be stopping till april earliest. we try to go most weekends and a few after school. I will get a camera at some point and i will be able to load up some proper piccys
  4. will.f11


    i prefere to do the actual hunting side. I never manage to find time to take pics
  5. i went ferreting yesterday and my mate was using nets with no draw cords or strings. they work fine but does anyone else do it?
  6. well done scot. I wish i got out today, didnt have the time. but ive been out once this weekend
  7. well done mate. I have one of those boxes and i must admit i love it... i always pick that one to take out if i dont take many ferrets
  8. i agree with the pipe way. ive seen it used before
  9. well done mate. get em out early i spose.
  10. nice painting that mate, better than what i could have done
  11. good point simoman. we know what they think so why visit there sites. to be honest mate its nothing new to most of us
  12. anyone know? i wouldnt mind a few to try
  13. we got chased the other night. we just stash the bunnies as we go. makes it easier to go back for. we just used ferrets and 2 very good dogs
  14. I see it as the same amount of nutrients as an egg. they like to have a few every now and again though
  15. cheers scot. you been out much?
  16. I use an opinel no. 7 nice knife and keeps its blade. cheap aswell. I pick em up in france when we go on holiday and they are real cheap
  17. cheers buddy. it was a great day, it would of been even better though if we could of gone on the best permission. lol
  18. I must try and get pics next time. it kind of spoils the post. but im out again tomorrow so i will try and get some pics up
  19. well done stubby and richie. a good day for all. and me for once
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