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Everything posted by will.f11

  1. nice to know im an inspiration haha
  2. will.f11

    Oh dear

    I did the same this year. A well known 'chav' 'started on me' and i layed him out. guess who got in shite for that??? yes me! but my mum (a bit of a handful when she gets a bee in her bonet) went into school and sorted it. I was planned to have exclusion but me mother got it down to a regular after school detention. pity really as I would of had a full week of solid hunting haha.
  3. I have a few horse information books around which i was thinking about selling. there are quite a few so if anyone would be interested in buying any PM me what sort of horse things (theres quite a selection) and i will give you a list and a price. ATB Will.f11
  4. A bit pricey but if ya wanna send me some im sure i could review them and put a thread up after
  5. ok cheers. Ive got the making and maintanig nets one. Im going to give this way of making one a shot.
  6. nice looking bitches hes got there. nice bit of bone on them not like those twig like whippets lol
  7. when all the undergrowth dies back (unless you are lucky enough to have an unlimited supply of open burries) leave them for a tiny bit but as soon as you think possible put them in one by one with another experienced ferret if possible. but otherwise just try and feed them rabbit as much as possible and get them running through some nice small warrens. not too big so they get lost. good luck mate
  8. top class day there. i wish i didnt have to go to school and was retired (but still young)
  9. there aint nothing wrong with that terrier mate. looks like any normal working terrier. im sure if ya really wanted to you could go round his place and brush him and tie some ickle wibbons in his hair. anyway. I need an MK1 ferret 8ft collar.
  10. thats his page. its got some other metal etc covers on here. http://uk.youtube.com/user/metalfish666
  11. happy birthday lurchergrrl. have a good rest of the day...
  12. I gave them my old mobile muber haha
  13. will.f11


    its been edited due to it being innapropriate. fair enough... i appologise if i insulted or scared anyone who is viewing this site...
  14. will.f11


    I could have also sworn that Ianb mentioned something about his wonderful yellow stanley knife he keeps on his desk and his lovely blue mousemat ... im scared somehow...
  15. haha. I used my lil bros name aswell and got a sports bag... so he will have to pay a hell of alot of postage
  16. will.f11


    i could ov sworn it was...
  17. I took out my hob last weekend. hes young and just wants to play with the dead coneys. but he seemed to work okish and bolted a couple to the gun pretty quick all on his own.
  18. lol. do we have to pay for goods to be returned? or do they pay it?
  19. DONT DO IT!!!!! apparently after about 6 months they will demand the stuff back or the money. so i wouldnt do it... i have and my mate... told me his brother got got!!! (edited to say.... well the little man which must remain nameless doesnt want to be known for his lifesaving skills)
  20. it seems to have accepted mine. i will have to see if it ever arrives. is there any limit?
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