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Everything posted by will.f11

  1. Ive got a woodfull at home lol. I just cut em at that length and the sharpen the ends, I dont find that dying makes a huge amount of difference lol
  2. well done for getting her to jump the gate. She must of been doing it pretty effortless as as its her first time someone would have to be helping her over, but you managed to take pics which means she muct be doing great! well done to you and nice pics
  3. And that was a bit out of order coatesy. I remember on the ferret diet thread you had a go for me being hard on a newbie...
  4. I carry as many as I have as then we can net up 3 or 4 burries close to each other and then ferret them one by one. But be carefull that you can see the other burries as we did that last week and caught 1 rabbit when we werent even on that one yet.
  5. will.f11

    Chat Room

    im in. and i am in on the school filtering
  6. I agree with you there scott. I think poleys looks the part and as most colours work near as dammit the same its all down to personal preference. afterall IMO a ferrets a ferret
  7. RIP maggie. I always think that a hunter will always get more attached to his animals than a pet owner as we spend more time with them, always a shame to loose any working animal, friend
  8. I started tagging along ferreting with dad and his friends at about 3 years old, at 6 I shot my first rabbit and at 8 I shot 29 roosting pigeons with an airgun with my friend (we were being naughty as dad was out lol) and I got a right bollocking for it lol. dangerous thinking back. I have been ferreting and shooting since I can remember (or atleast being around it) and got my own ferrets this year, after a long time learning lol.
  9. good luck, have a bump on me
  10. same, may i be forgiven of all my sins, and i appologize for being an arse to oshly (I think) on the ferret diet thread in the ferreting section.. so publicly I appologize
  11. My granddad had the opposite when he was younger. He had a terrier which was good as gold with white ferrets, then he took him out with his friend when he was about 13 (soon became his dad in law lol) and his terrier killed the brown ferret lol. so It must be what they are used to
  12. can you paste pictues into your posts or something??
  13. You could get banged up for saying something like that!! My daughter is only 4 years younger, and one day I might want to post a pic of her with her first rabbit, but now will not with the likes of you on here!! I am joking buddy. and im not an old man peodo BTW, lmao
  14. Quite. Magwitch, he is just adorable! How old? My little one was a year last weekend, here he is!! He was watching the farrier and eating quavers...two of his favourite things!!! haha. how cute. I still love watching the farrier work. I have done since I was a dot apparently.
  15. lovely pic, it would look even better if you edited it to delete the carry box...
  16. work out how much its cost you and as hes offered to pay, charge him as much as it costs
  17. will.f11

    A nights result

    I was going to go tonight but not right weather, I have all week next week to get out so I hope for some wind.
  18. bad luck my friend. If it comes to it get his address, then name and shame....
  19. here... http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...howtopic=37271#
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