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Everything posted by will.f11

  1. I think they could do it well without touching the bull. Just they could stick stickers on the bull or sommit for the points
  2. amazing mate. Beautiful horse and must of taken alot of work
  3. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=uXSx-cU6O6k&...feature=related hilarious
  4. had a great day out, I will give you a shout in a couple weeks.

  5. How much for the poachers tales?
  6. will.f11


    well done guys, keep em coming.
  7. I went ferreting on some of my new permission with 3 of my mates and curly off here today. We had about 6 ferrets between us and 3 dogs (2x 1/4grey 1/4 wippet 1/4 beddy, 1/2 beddy 1/2grey. I think but curly correct me if Im wrong...) Anyway, We set off with all the kit to our first mark, It was nice weather at this point and we netted up what we could and positioned the dogs ready for a run. We got 3 nice bolters on this into the nets then we moved on... we missed one rabbit on the first set and it ran into a nice little bank, we put in 1 of karls ferrets but it must have slipped away while w
  8. Just got back from a nice day. But anyhow, I took the locator out anyway as 3 foot is better than 0 foot! but the minute I got it out on the field it was fine again. If you want to sell it, give me a pm for how much and I will pay for a repair
  9. Just tried mate, and it still does it. I will ring deben at nine
  10. I will now mate. Thanks
  11. Got up this morning, ready to go out for a days ferreting. And checked my locator box and it goes fine upto 3 foot when it suddenly starts going mad like when you loose signal on a radio. This is the first time ive ever used it so im a bit pissed off. Ive tried changing the batteries but no difference? any ideas?
  12. Id go back to the day before the hunting ban, and have a non stop day of legal hunting with dogs. And laugh in those antis faces
  13. will.f11

    Wheres he gone

    apparently alot were banned whilst it was closed
  14. I hate riding dressage, but when its done properly its great to watch. I will stick to hunting, cross country and showjumping and limit my dressage to just ODE
  15. Apparently if your ferret finder is an MK1 you can ring the number on the locator and they will do a service and repair. arnieboy off here said it was about 40 quid a box
  16. Nice dog, would be exactly what id be looking for if I was aloud one.
  17. We have 2 tabby kittens for sale, ready to go now. They are both toms as far as im aware. I only think mum wants a tenner each for em as kitten food costs the earth lol I am in st breward, bodmin, cornwall and pickup only
  18. We have 4 cats (2 cats and 2 kittens) BTW the 2 kittens need rehoming if anyone in cornwall wants one
  19. will.f11


    Ok i will edit and put an extra bitty
  20. its time lol. I would if I could, it makes em look that much better
  21. will.f11


    I am bored and was just thinking about food so here we go, a bit of fun! show off all your fat arse habbits... edited at kays instruction, tell me if ive missed anything and I will add it
  22. I got my first MK1 this morning. Very easy to use, but will be tested tomorrow lol. Thanks for the votes, keep em coming. Looks like the MK1 is winning...
  23. Tis a nice box that. I have about 5 i think. 1 which was 2 quid from a carboot (a nice roomy square one for my big hob) and another single compartment double box, and a triple from ade33uk (very very nice box) and a double from the ferret box company and one big old thing I never really use but carries about 8 ferrets which is good for big jobs.
  24. I use a dog travell water thing, its a foldupbowl attached to a plastic waterbottle. Its from the RAC for dogs, very useful and red so you cant forget it
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