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Everything posted by will.f11

  1. i know mate, but if it didnt effect it it doesnt matter. just ignore me lmao
  2. why did you need to lock that thread about courts. I was quite enjoying it and i thought the bumps were only an issue on for sale or wanted threads
  3. cheers, i was taking the picture so am not in it, but my bro and uncle are, my uncle is holding his new pup. Its a labxspringer. nicely behaved for a young dog and enjoyed running round and being a prick. I have just got a huge permssion on bodmin moor to do so will be up there next week
  4. a good bag there mate, better than mine today
  5. went out for an hour or 2 this morning, set off at 7.30 with my uncle. It was quite nice weather but when we got to the permission, it started to rain and blow so we netted up a hedge, nothing. Then moved down to an untouched peice. We netted up and chucked a couple ferrets in, and almost instantly, 2 in the bag. then the ferrets started to show alot more often and not much about, so picked up and had to head home as my uncle was going back to dorset. But all in all a fairly good time and richie is posting some pics im texting him as i cant do it lmao
  6. there is a thread on this in the longnetting section
  7. nice one mate, you will have plenty kits next year
  8. im not sure as i have never had one off moley, but if you ask anyone who has, you will have alot of people rating him
  9. apparently, the emperor dragon or whatever they call him, of the KKK, said that he shouldnt be shot as it will bring more publicity towards him
  10. I have seen a few posts by guests, surely if they are kicked off they cant log in again????
  11. molecatcher mate, off here. thenetloft.net
  12. but its happened twice in a row now.
  13. it depends on the ferret mate. if you have a ferret which wont come up until the burrie is clear, then its hard to tell apparetly. but if its a ferret that works and comes up alot, and doesnt come up for a while, you may need to find it on the locator but not necessarily dig
  14. imo, either get a mate to hold a big lamp, or use a gun mounted one, if you buy a decent one, it shouldnt weigh too much and be easy to shoot with
  15. lamp em mate, either use a dog if you can or lamp em with an airrifle or pistol. a decent catapult is fun aswell
  16. good luck mate, and pleased your pleased
  17. ive shot the odd one on our farm which are eating chicken corn, but apart from that i leave em for the shoots excpet when the odd farmer asks me to shoot them if im out for rabbits
  18. right guys! ive just finished my second net but noticed something strange, all the meshes stay in perfect place etc. but once i have fixed on the drawcord then the mesh will slip if you pull on them. These will be fine for my own uses but i would like to know whats wrong so i can make myself perfect ones
  19. just think of it as saving more rabbits for next time. Well done mate, if i catch nowt but its a nice day I dont give 2 flying shites how big bag
  20. just read the post properly so, 25 yard- about 4-5 poles, 30 yard- about 6-7 poles, 40 yard-8-9 poles
  21. work on about 1 every 5 yards, but you can probably go a bit lower than that if you cant find enough
  22. Id like to see what a few folk that replied on here would do if there batteries packed in and the ferret was on a kill thats a good reason to invest a fiver for a batterie tester from e bay, tests either the 9volt or the watch ones, then you wont have batteries dying underground Sorry, but i dont understand what you mean" block them in each end"?? The rabbits will be mostly congregated in the "stop end" anyway pal! And theres only one way out. So blocking in them in means nothing. You would realize this if you had used a locator, and followed your ferret underground, and w
  23. when i did my bollox in a zip, i had to have an op i did it so badly, thats it, self circumsision i had a catheter and all and in be peeing in pain in a little carboard pot for a few weeks scary and annoying., the first time you pee after the catheta is out is the most painful thing ever. feels like you are having pins stuck in you bell......
  24. will.f11


    sometimes, if im on an inland farm. I just take a small bowl, as there are cattle water troughs dotted all over the place
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