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Everything posted by will.f11

  1. there already is a junior section mate.
  2. I dont see the problem if its just in the younguns section. as surely the big people shouldnt be in there anyway
  3. I would put it on ebay, youde get more that way than from that stingy get
  4. i dont want to be a mod lmao i was joking. I was just saying about it for other people for the young hunters bit which you obviously arent
  5. jimjams on for 8.30 8.15 actually nah i am going to do a bad thing at 8 oclock (watch the bill lol)
  6. you will need to be assesed lmao but TBH the young hunter section doesnt really need a mod as there isnt exactly hundreds of posts I reckon we should have a vote if we do get a young hunter mod, and then have a few people to vote for, say PM me your username before 8 oclock and I will put a poll up and will pm the result to IanB, so he can say whether we can have it or not
  7. probs the older the better so... shooter08 for mod lol.
  8. put it on ebay mate, will fetch much more than that if you put a reserve on it, and a quick sale aswell
  9. done them once or twice, but i think if you have several together, they must clean each others
  10. I dont mean it like that, but not many older people will take a telling off from a 14 year old. just one of those things I suppose. Im 14 and would also consider myself responsible enough, but i expect alot of others will think different
  11. I think it would be a bit silly putting a 14 year old as a mod, if so i wanna be one and all.
  12. just get his toe removed, and get him out working kay. would be fun good luck with it
  13. i have a borderxrussel (ratting) good little dog. sees a fair amount of work in winter. not so much time in summer. if anyone fancys a day out ferreting etc in cornwall, give me a shout. Have been out a couple times with curly off here and has been good days out. ATB will.f11
  14. but what if someone, went ferreting and pursed rabbits, and put them in a pic next to a longnet, just a thought
  15. will.f11

    longnetting dvd

    the art of longnetting by.... i cant remember but its a good dvd apparently
  16. yes mate it has a hole in the end, wrap it all over to waterproof the collar else you will bugger it up if it gets wet
  17. Found a place which sells em. its Ian hodges, http://ianhodgefieldsports.co.uk/shop/inde...p;productId=112 pleased i found it as i may get one
  18. thanks bigbulls, had her out twice now and did you proud both times. youve got a good working strain going on, did you breed it?
  19. will.f11


    kill the twat fucks. I hate it and if anyone gets pictures, smack em up
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