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Everything posted by will.f11

  1. nice looking hoss you got there. Wouldnt mind something like that as a hunter for the old man. lol
  2. i find it alot easier to get in a mess, whilst pegging as i go. I have put alot of time practising both methods but find back pegging easiest :s doesnt take long if you can walk fast
  3. a bit of advice, go on all the day out threads on here, and pm asking if you can use the picture. most will probably say yes
  4. no mate, bolldog shovels are very high quality, if you bought em from a shop i would guess them at a lot more than here
  5. good idea mate, but surely this is a ferreting site?
  6. how much for lamp on its own mate
  7. nice day mate. not a bad bag for the ferts first time out. happy hunting
  8. i may be able to get a few piccys up tomorrow aswell of the traditional.
  9. well done mate, might be an idea to net all the holes before starting. as you can never be sure where it will come out. But we live and learn and its good to get a catch your first time
  10. get a couple of jills mate, you wont have to dig so much then anyway, PM diggermad on here, he has the number of a guy called mick, who refurbishes MK1 boxes. So he may well manage to fix yours for you. Goo luck mate
  11. if they only need changing once then t shouldnt run out very quick if taken out. but i suppose it depends on how often you are using them. I have only just started with locators and have an MK1, and turn the batteries round after each session, so as im only goin out on average 1-2 times a week, they should last a long time
  12. I have'nt said anything about turning my collars off, I leave them switched on, that way if one hops out the box I can still find it. i only turn off my collars when im home (mk1 collars) surely all you have to do is turn the MK3M ones off when your home again, the batteries are not so weak that they will not last 5 - 6 hours
  13. they should be fine mate, 2 of my friends only keep 3 and they are all fine together, but no harm in adding another good luck mate
  14. ive seen a fox taken by a whippet back before the ban but it could only hold for a short time, so we ran a terrier with it to hold the fox
  15. bad luck mate, as stealthy said, that bad days make the good ones better
  16. send me a pm mate, i can get some pegs for you in the post.
  17. just need to keep your eyes open mate. then ask the landowner. Here in some places there are no rabbits at all, and over the hedge you will find them in the hundreds
  18. you can also attach grommits (pm molecatcher) onto hazel poles, these are free but obviously not as nice to use as the fibreglass ones. or you can buy some dowell rods from somewhere like B&Q
  19. if you are in a routine of turning the batteries round in the collars to turn them off, you might forget to turn it back on as you normally would leave collars on all day until you get home
  20. if your having real trouble with it, either ebay it or try and swap it for an MK1, some people get on with these better as they arent as complex
  21. will.f11

    25 yarder

    about 5 poles mate, may be 4 if you are using end pins
  22. if anyone hears that markieboi is still in helston, then i know plenty there who would happily get your money back
  23. i dont think it matters TBH mate. If you think, if you are sat in a dark room for ages, and someone turns the light on, you are all dazed and cant see well. So the same for the rabbit. It wont be able to see the net anyway!
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