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Everything posted by will.f11

  1. looks like a proper job mate. Well done.
  2. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Jag7oTemldY Pretty Funny
  3. :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
  4. got some neck on you for a 14 year old aint you kid, didnt mean to put those pics on this add, im selling me dogs on another post and you have NO sense of humour. but they are still cracking looking dogs
  5. no mate, but is from good working lines
  6. about 20 meshes down, by about 15 meshes aross makes a nice sized net. The ones ive made are that size
  7. lovely looking dog. If you were closer my mate would of snatched that up. Looks like it could serve someone well...
  8. its dry underground, else the rabbits wouldnt be in there. But even if they werent, and they were on the move the rain shouldnt bother em.
  9. I know people which have lost young healthy jills, through spaying. So best to just risk having the hob done and will leave the jills fertile if you want to breed in the future
  11. my uncle had a dairy cow with a split backside due to calving, it was in the field waiting for the mobile destroyers to arrive, they were a day or so late (it says that it can take up to 48 hours) and the neighbours phoned the RSfuckingPCA they rolled up on thier high horse saying it must be destoyed right here right now, which was obviously impossible as his shotgun was broke! So they said if it is not killed by the evening, they would be taken to court. So they came back later on and it was still there, and my uncle told them to phone the vet themselves and they can f*****g well pay for it.
  12. how come the pictures are 2 dogs????? surely we would want to see what we are buying anyway, cracking looking dogs
  13. Id try them on your next trip mate, i started mine at about that and aslong as it isnt too big a burry, they should work nicely
  14. rain is fine mate, its just upt o you wanting to get wet but as long as the wind isnt strong, you should be fine.
  15. Im 100% to lines all the way boys all the very well working ferrets ive used, are very well bred and from decent lines, as the ones ive seen which arent, are absolute shizz just my opinion though
  16. Ive added him on MSN will email him when i find the time.
  17. Well done mate, and you lucky beggars dont have to go to school i would go in the pissing down rain if it was a day off school!
  18. whats a vicar???? A bit like a priest
  19. well done mate, i love using my traditional, dont think i will ever get a quickset
  20. I was just thinking, Why would you want to feed rat anyway???
  21. go to tesco mate, i think you can get a leaflet with free clubcards or sommmit. Should work fine as its the same as a normal card. At least they used to do them as when i was like 8 i used to take em home as my 'credit cards' haha
  22. Lots of longnetting still goes on at night mate, is the proper way of using a longnet shame i cant do it :s
  23. you are one argumentitive b*****d arent you if your not interested, then feck off to the brilliant hunting background you had, which you have to have to be a good hunter 'apparently' so feck off back to your hole and leave decent folk alone. Anyway nice looking pups mate and all the best with the sale
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